Reiner Braun

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The coldness from the floor was seeping into my skin. But, all I could do was lay there. Having no strength or motivation to move. It didn't help that my head was throbbing violently. At least I had Pieck by my side. Even though she wasn't much help at the moment. No matter how hard I tried to recall the night before, I couldn't. Most of it was blurry.

Footsteps filled the silent air which only made my head throb more. I cursed to myself, not wanting anyone to see me in this state. But then his blonde hair emerged into sight.

"Woah, what are you two doing?"

A smile left Piecks lips as she propped herself up. "It only feels natural to be like this."

Reiner nodded and looked at me. He gave me a smirk as he bent down.

"And you?"

A groan left my lips. Not even bothering to lift my head or to look at him.

"I'm just laying here feeling like absolute shit. Apprently, I really did overdo it last night. Everythings blacked out-"

"In other words, she's severely hungover."

I hesitantly nodded, a sheepish smile on my face. "Yeah, that would be one way to put it. But who's fault is it really? If you and Porco didn't get into that stupid competition, none of this would have happened. Fuck, why did I let myself get involved? This was not worth ending your argument."

He patted my head. "You'll be okay. You're just going to suffer the consequences. "

"Ah, not so loud. My head is killing me... Hey, since you're here, would you mind helping me get to my room?"

A playful grin appeared on his face. "Aweh, the strong little (Y/n) is asking for help. But, what's in it for me?"

"Don't patronize me, not right now. But, if you do help me, you can sleep next to me tonight. Now, I find that to be a pretty good deal."

He pretended to think about it before giving me a smile. Carefully, picking me up.

"How can I say no to that?"

~ ~ ~

My eyes snapped open to the light in the window. A slight groan left my lips as I got up, throwing on my jacket. Panic filled my body. Forgetting that we had a meeting with the Commander. If I showed up late, that wouldn't be good. I quickly exited my room. A yawn escaping my lips, walking as fast as I could down the hallway. To my surprise, everyone was waiting outside of the room. A sigh of relief escaped my lips, knowing I made it on time.

"Oh hey (Y/n). Are you feeling any better? I really enjoyed our time in the hallway this morning."

I gave her a slight wave and a nod. "I'm feeling a little better. But, I'm bitter that I have to be awake."

I silently walked towards the wall. Pressing my back against it. My head tilted up as I stared up at the roof. Trying to get this headache under control.

"Look at you, all small and cute."

My head snapped down as I gave Reiner a playful glare. "Oh shut it, it's not my fault you're tall."

A smile formed on my face when his heartwarming laugh filled the air. I watched as his hand found its way up to my arm. I gave him a questioning look. But then realized he was adjusting my armband.

"There. Now it's not inside out."

A blush formed on my cheeks. Embarrassed that I somehow managed that.

"Thank you, I probably would have been in trouble for that."

Half an hour had passed and we all left the room. Once again, the group of us stood on the outside. I slowly approached Reiner, resting my head on his back. Listening as everyone spoke about their plans for the day. To our surprise, Magath gave us the rest of the day off. I could only assume it was so we could get ready for battle in a few days. But, I wasn't complaining.

"What's your plans?"

It took me a moment to realize the question was directed towards me. Causing me to reluctantly lift my head.

"Nothing besides slowly die on the inside.. Please, Pieck, Colt, anybody. Never let me drink that much ever again."

After hearing their chuckles, my head found its way back to his back. Within seconds, they were all teasing me. Calling me a lightweight and how I couldn't handle my liquor.

"Maybe more rest will help you? Just take some time to relax and hopefully, your hangover will pass."

A slight groan escaped my lips as I nodded in agreement. Slowly, I leaned up towards Reiners ear, holding his shoulders as support.

"Since you were such a big help this morning, I have another favor to ask."

"And what's that?" He whispered back.

"Okay, just hear me out. If you carry me back, I'll not only let you sleep with me tonight, but I may consider cuddling you too."

A slight chuckle left his lips, nodding at what I just said.


"Yes, Rein, I promise."

After hearing my words, he bent down a little, letting me crawl onto his back. My arms wrapped around his neck and my head instantly rested on his shoulder. The warmth of his arms passing through to my legs. Holding them securely.

"Where are you two off to? Wait, never mind, I don't think I want to know."

A small laugh left my lips. "Get your mind out of the gutter Porco."

Before I knew it, we were headed down the hallway. My head slightly bouncing while he walked. To my surprise, it was actually helping with my headache. I nuzzled into the crook of his neck, letting out a sigh of content.

"You know, you're cute when you depend on me."

"Really?" I tilted my head to the side. "I thought it would get annoying over time. I don't mean to rely on you so much. It just kind of happens?"

Reiner shook his head no, giving my face the best side glance he could in this position.

"I've never found you annoying. Even when you get yourself into situations you can't handle. I really don't mind when you depend on me. It makes me happy knowing that I can help you. It's also adorable seeing you ask for my help."

A small blush formed on my face. I knew I couldn't poke his nose like I usually did without the fear of falling off his back. Instead, I opted for giving him a little squeeze.

"Thank you, Rein.. For always being there."

~ ~ ~

I never knew I could feel so peaceful until this moment. Feeling the warmth of his arms wrapped around my body. How we seemed to fit so perfectly in eachothers arms. I just couldn't get over this feeling.

"What has you all smiley?"

My eyes slowly opened, tilting my head to look up at him. "How haven't we done this before? This feeling, it's intoxicating."

His hand made its way up towards my head, gently stroking my cheek. I couldn't help but nuzzle into him.

"It is, isn't it?"

"You know Reiner, I could get used to this."

"Then let's make it happen. There's nothing stopping us."

I slightly nodded, lifting my head up to look at him in the eyes. A smile formed on my face as I slowly leaned up. Pressing our lips together. The kiss felt just the same as being in his arms. Maybe even slightly better. A smile formed on both of our faces as we pulled away.

I stared into his eyes, gently stroking his cheek. The smile not leaving my face.

"I wouldn't mind doing that more, either."

Reiner chuckled softly. "Then, I guess that makes you mine now."

Once again, I found myself in a state of happiness. A feeling I never truly felt until he got back home.

•Requested by Matchablossom9898

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