Chapter 3

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TW: Violence, mention of weapons!

"A mistake? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Chan grunted, turning to face me again.

"Because when we met, I was going to kill you and take your supplies. Just like how everyone else does it in this shitty world. But no, I didn't...I couldn't... Because I would have never forgiven myself...She wouldn't have forgiven me..."

"Who?! Chan, please...Tell me who she is...Or was.."

Chan looked like he was fighting his inner demons once again, going through countless thoughts in his head.

"My wife."

I stopped in my tracks, looking at Chan with concern.

"Your...Wife..? You were married..?"

Chan nodded, taking a seat on a nearby log.

"I owe you an explanation...You deserve that at least..."


"Honey, I was able to find some supplies in a nearby hospital. This could last us for a few weeks.... Honey?"

Chan walked through the corridor of the run down house his family were staying in for the time being, but silence was never a good sign.

Chan walked into the kitchen to see a sight he never wanted to see. The body of his daughter arching her back, a huge bite mark in the side of her neck.

"Shit! What happened, Pearl?"

It was too late...she was already turning into a zombie. Reality came crashing in as Chan realized what he really had to do now...

"I'm so sorry Pearl.... I'm so sorry..."

He pulled out his pistol and shot her, putting her out of her misery and making her death quick.

He couldn't stop the tears from flowing, holding Pearl close to him. But he couldn't mourn for long, when someone suddenly jumped on his back, biting the flesh off his arm.

"Fucking hell!"

He tossed the figure off of him, causing it to crash into the kitchen cabinets.

Chan looked at his arm, the virus already getting into his bloodstream.


He noticed the figure getting back up, facing him fully.


She lunged at him again, causing Chan to fall to the floor.

"I'm sorry baby... I'm so fucking sorry..."

He stabbed her in the neck, killing her quickly. Her body fell on top of Chan as he layed there.

Everything was gone... Everything that he had worked so hard to protect...He had to kill his entire world...

Chan had vowed to survive on his own, never allowing himself to fall for someone else, for fear that he would lose them too..He couldn't go through it again.

Present Day-

"Wow...You...Had to kill your family...I....I understand why you didn't want to tell me... Nobody deserves to go through that..."

Chan stood up, beginning to walk again. I couldn't possibly tell him what I wanted to tell him earlier...But he was going to find out eventually whether I wanted to believe it or not.

Weeks passed, and I began getting tired more easily. Chan and I constantly had to take breaks from walking because of how easily tired I was getting.

"There's something you're not telling me y/n...This isn't like you..."

"I told you earlier, I told you yesterday, and I'll tell you now... I'm fine..."

Chan sighed, holding out his hand.

"Then let's keep-"

The sound of a low growl came from in front of us, then loud stomping. It was clear to what it was.

"Bloater." Chan said as he quickly pulled me over to the woods to hide.

But another one came, growling as his spuds exploded out from it's body. If they hit your skin, it immediately burns it, and gives a high chance of you turning into one of them. They were more dangerous than a clicker, because they could see, hear, and charge quickly.

"Stay here, I'll handle them..."

"What? Chan, we can outrun them.."

"You can't even walk 5 minutes without getting tired! Just stay hidd-"

A gunshot rang out, hitting one of the bloaters and making it yell, spitting out its deadly spray. Chan covered me, shielding me from the mist.

"Who the hell shot that thing?" I asked, trying to remain as quiet and still as possible.

"Take it down!" A man yelled as 6 others began attacking the pair of bloaters, shooting it with their pistols and machine guns.

The bloaters went down fairly quickly, but it wasn't the end. Once they died, they exploded, creating an even bigger amount of the deadly mist.

"Get down!" The man yelled as the bloaters exploded. Chan continued to shield me until the smoke cleared.

Chan helped me up before coming out of our hiding spot, encountering the men that killed the bloaters.

They looked at the two of us in confusion. The man standing in the middle quickly pulled out his pistol and aimed it at us.

"Who the fuck are you two?"

Chan just as quickly pulled out his pistol, aiming it at the group.

"I could ask the same fucking question."

The man laughed, lowering his gun slowly.

"I'm Minho... We're the Stray Kids."

To be Continued ᕙ⁠ ⁠(⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ ⁠~⁠)

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