Chapter 1

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Ava stood outside the convenience store, exhaling a thin stream of smoke into the chilly dawn air. The glowing ember at the tip of her cigarette flickered in the darkness, a stark contrast to the soft, yellow light spilling from the store's neon sign. She watched him intently—the guy she had just been with. His curly hair almost touched his eyebrows, a mop of unruly waves that framed his face, and he had that kind of smile she'd seen a hundred times: a bad boy grin that seemed both amused and challenging. She hadn't noticed him like this two nights ago. In fact, he hadn't caught her attention at all back then.

Two nights ago felt like a different world. Ava had gone out with the girls for a casual night of drinks and dancing. It was one of those impromptu plans—nothing special, just an excuse to let off steam after a long week. They had decided to hit a popular bar downtown, and Mia had joined them. As they arrived, they noticed a group of guys already gathered at a table near the back, laughing loudly and clearly celebrating something.

As it turned out, that "something" was AJ's birthday. AJ and his friends were out in full force, ordering rounds of shots and toasting loudly. 

Mia leaned in, whispering into Ava's ear, "That guy, the one with the black shirt... I swear he's been looking over here all night."

Ava smirked. "He's cute. You should go talk to him."

Mia shook her head, blushing. "No way. What if he's here with someone?"

Ava followed Mia's gaze to the guy's group, noticing the one sitting next to him—a guy with curly hair, and a laid-back grin on his face, leaning against the bar. She decided to take a chance. "Alright, I'll help you out. Let's just go over there, sit with them, and see what happens."

Before Mia could protest, Ava was already on her feet, approaching the guy with the curly hair—AJ—and flashing him a friendly smile. "Hey, do you mind if we join you guys for a bit? My friend has been eyeing your friend, and I think they'd hit it off."

AJ looked surprised but amused. He glanced over at his friend, who was now trying to look nonchalant, then back at Ava. "Sure, why not? I guess we could use some company."

Ava hadn't been looking to meet anyone that night. Her attention had been on Mia, who seemed to have caught the eye of one of AJ's friends—a tall guy with a quick wit and an easy smile. Ava, ever the matchmaker, focused on playing her part, nudging conversations along, and ensuring her friend had the chance to connect. 

AJ had been right beside her for most of the night, but she hadn't really paid him much mind. He was just another guy in the group, leaning in close to make himself heard over the pounding bass, occasionally throwing her a smile or a comment.

AJ had tried to strike up a conversation with her a couple of times. He'd asked her what she was drinking and even made a joke about the music. She'd responded politely but distractedly, her attention elsewhere. AJ had seemed unfazed, continuing to joke and laugh with his friends, but there were moments—brief, fleeting moments—when Ava had caught him looking at her, a curious expression on his face. She had dismissed it at the time, thinking nothing of it.

As the night went on, she became more aware of AJ's presence. He had a magnetic energy about him, a way of drawing people in without even trying. She noticed how his friends seemed to gravitate toward him, how he could switch effortlessly from telling a story that had everyone in stitches to listening intently as someone else spoke. He had an easy laugh, and when he laughed, it was with his whole body, his head thrown back, his eyes crinkling in a way that made you want to laugh too.

Still, Ava hadn't been interested. She had her own plans for the night—to enjoy herself, maybe dance a little, and get Mia's sister and AJ's friend to hit it off. She wasn't looking to go home with anyone, especially not a guy who seemed to know how to charm a crowd with just a smile.

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