Melt With You (originally on ao3)

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A/N: As per all fics posted here, I originally posted this on archiveofourown. I made this account to reach a bigger audience and so people would stop reposting my works. I would really appreciate it if you directed your views/comments to my ao3 @ fairytalefluff (link to this fic over there: ), but if you prefer to stay here I understand and appreciate any engagement here as well! Still, Wattpad is not extremely familiar to me so I apologise if I did not tag accurately.

My original A/N:

what's up gamers i've had this one sitting in the drafts for a while idk why i didnt post it, i think i wanted to finish a bunch of fics and post them all at once but that's silly so here, feast, feed your hyunin craving and PLEASE for the love of GOD someone write some hyunin and lmk when u do i have been through every page of the tag and my crops are withering.

also we all know the song I Melt With You by Modern English BUT it was actually the Peter McPoland cover that inspired this fic so if u want the full experience go listen to that, it's literally just a 30 second blip on tiktok that u can find by googling but i love him and just. trust me it will make u feel like ur watching the best early 2000s rom com but with a modern twist oooo

anyway yeah i was craving the feeling of winter and fluff and hyunjin wearing jeongin's clothes so here it is. i hope u enjoy!!! pls comment if u did i literally cherish each and every comment. ok have a lovely dayyyy xxx

come see me @ channieblossoms or willowfey on tumblr mwah

also, if you would like to commission writing or anything else, please check out my kofi! thanks 🫶🏻


Yang Jeongin has been dreading his twenty-first birthday for as long as he can remember.

It's not that he fears ageing - in fact, he's of the unpopular opinion that your teens and low twenties are probably doomed to be the most dramatic and harrowing of your life by default, and things can only get better once you gain a little more wisdom and perspective and get a better haircut. And since his friends already compare him to a fox, a silver fox would be even better, right?

Whatever. He'll revisit that thought on his fiftieth.

No, there's nothing particularly upsetting about ageing another year (he's not gonna get all existential about it like Chan or Jisung), so he's not the type to be overly depressed on his birthday like some people. All his friends are older than him anyway, so it's nice to catch up with them a little each time.

But twenty-one...

Twenty-one is the year he'll finally know who his soulmate is.

Now, most people are excited by this development. Most people are thrilled by the thought that when they wake up on that fateful day, the first words spoken to them by their soulmate will be tattooed somewhere on their body. Some will have a big party to reveal the words, invite all their friends and family (the same types, he imagines, that will have an even bigger wedding). Some will understandably prefer to find out in the quiet of their homes, alone. Some will already know what the words will say, having been with their soulmate since childhood. Others, just the promise that one day they'll have someone to share a life with is enough. Most people await this day with baited breath, eager for confirmation or hope or a glimpse into their futures.

Jeongin is not most people.

But, as fate would have it, most people are not hopelessly in love with their best friend who is totally, completely, one hundred percent out of their league.

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