January Embers

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Your POV

Winter break came and ended. My friends had all come over for New Years a few weeks ago and Satoru tried to kiss me at midnight, but Suguru was quick to pull me out of the way and use one of his curses to trip the poor boy so he fell in the snow.

We went back to school and reluctantly got back into a regular routine of classes and homework. That was until January 27th. The four of us were practically counting down the minutes until class ended because we would be leaving immediately after to go to the train station.

We barely even waited for Yaga to finished the sentence, "You're dismissed," before bolting out of the classroom. Shoko and I ran to our rooms to grab our bags which we had packed a week ago in anticipation. Once we had them, we ran sped out of the dorm building and saw the boys coming down toward us. The four of us began our descent down the many flights of stairs toward the gates where we knew Yasu and my dad were waiting.

They saw us and smiled, amused by our excitement. "You guys seem excited," Yasu joked, opening the trunk of the black SUV.

"Of course we are!" Satoru replied, putting his bag in first.

"We've been counting down the days!" I added, throwing mine in next.

My dad ruffled my hair with a grin, "Oh, I know you have."

Once all of our bags were packed in the back, we got into the car. Satoru and Suguru got in the very back, me and Shoko sat in the middle, and my dad and Yasu sat in the front. We drove to the train station, the four of us bubbling with excitement.

When we arrived, we quickly boarded the train. It was situated so that there were two sears on either side a walkway down the middle of the train, similar to an airplane. We slid our bags under our seats as we sat down, Shoko and I beside each other with Suguru and Satoru across from us and Yasu and my Dad behind us. The train ride was about 5 hours, so we all settled in for the long ride.


Finally, we arrived at the Yamagata station. We got off the train and made our to the bus stop, purchasing six tickets to the Zao Onsen terminal. That ride was much shorter, only about 20 minutes.

Shoko and I practically sprinted off of the bus, the boys close behind and my dad and Yasu following behind them. We entered the resort, my dad and Yasu stepping to the front as we approached the front desk.

"Hello, I should have a reservation under Inazuma," my father said to the woman behind the counter.

"Oh, yes!" She replied immediately. "You're the one who booked the three suites for this weekend." She reached under the desk and pulled out six key cards, each with a room number on it. "The room numbers are on the cards and there should be a pamphlet in each one about what's included in your trip. Do you need me to show you to the rooms?"

"No, that's okay. Thank you," my dad replied with a smile. My dad took the key cards and we followed him out of the lobby and toward the lodging buildings. The place was built like a small village and was in the traditional Japanese style. My dad lead the way down the paths and stopped at the building on the far end of the row. "This is ours," he said.

"The whole thing?" I gaped.

He chuckled and nodded, "They take up the whole building."

"Dad, you're the best!" I exclaimed, hugging him tightly.

We entered the building and looked around. There was a common area down on the bottom floor and then each floor above that was a suite. "Girls, you're on the top floor, boys in the middle, and Yasu and I will be on the bottom."

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⏰ Last updated: 8 hours ago ⏰

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