Merry Christmas

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Your POV

The weeks flew by and we went through September and October. Shoko had been pestering me nonstop about Suguru and Yasu had been doing the same with Satoru. Meanwhile, both boys were the best of friends, but every so often they would have a moment of unspoken tension that didn't go unnoticed by me and Shoko.

I had come to realize that Suguru probably did have feelings for me. And I really wasn't opposed to that or disliked it. I think Satoru saw that too, and it changed the way he acted toward me. Every advance felt more... sincere. We snuck out on multiple occasions, from both the school and my house. They started to feel more like dates than just two friends hanging out.

Today was currently November 5, two days before Shoko's birthday. Me, Satoru, Suguru, Haibara, and Nanami had been planning a surprise party for her. It was nothing extravagant, Shoko's more into subtle hangouts than big parties. So, the plan was to just have food and hang out. Shoko doesn't really like sweets, so we don't have cake on her birthday.

There was only one problem. Suguru and I had yet to get her a gift. Nanami and Haibara had gotten her gift cards for her favorite stores. Satoru bought her a Zippo lighter that he had custom-made and engraved with her name.

Suguru and I were stumped. She was really hard to shop for. She never really talked about things she wanted, so it was either guesswork or buying her something of convenience.

But today was a Saturday, so we had the day to go browse the stores and try to find something she'd like or use. And that is exactly what we planned on doing.

I called Yasu around 9 and asked him to pick us up. He agreed, not without asking questions though. After making him promise not to tell anyone, I filled him in on the whole situation. He was like an older brother to me, but not an overprotective one (most of the time). As I expected, he was very interested. I told him not to say anything in front of the boys, but I didn't know how well he'd listen to me.

Suguru and I went to the gates at 10:30, and Yasu picked us up right from there.

"Hey, Yasu," I greeted with a smile as Suguru and I got in the back.

"Hey guys," he replied, "Where to?"

I looked over at Suguru, "Roppongi first?"

He nodded with a smile, "Sounds good."

Yasu started the car and began to drive. Roppongi wasn't far from the school, which was nice. Most of the major shopping plazas were in the Tokyo area, so we weren't super far from any of them.

As we drove, Suguru and I discussed possible ideas of what to get for Shoko. "Honestly, Suguru, I'm this close to just buying her cigarettes and calling it a day."

"And how are you gonna get those?" He asked, half teasing, but also kinda curious as to what I would say.

I grinned and leaned forward between the two front seats, "Yasu?"

"No way," he replied, "That's illegal, and you're dad may kill me if he finds out I bought you cigarettes."

"You wouldn't be buying them for me, though."

"Yeah, just your underage friend, which sounds much better," he retorted.

I rolled my eyes and sunk back into my seat, "Fine. You're no fun."

"Forgive me for not wanting to go to jail and lose my job."

"Anyways," I turned back to Suguru, "What about you? Any ideas yet?"

"Besides buying her food, I have no idea."

I hummed, "Not a bad idea. She would definitely appreciate that..."

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