Ch. 06: The Pressure Builds

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### Chapter 6: The Pressure Builds

Summary: As the competition looms, Jade's anxiety intensifies. She's determined to prove herself, not just to Mia but to her mother as well. Despite her growing feelings for Noah, Jade remains focused on the prize. Mia, sensing Jade's vulnerability, continues to undermine her confidence, and Jade's insecurities bubble to the surface during a tense rehearsal. A late-night heart-to-heart with Noah brings them closer, but Jade is still torn between her need for validation and the emotions she's developing for him.


The morning of the competition was cold, the Chicago skyline hidden beneath a layer of low-hanging fog. Jade stared out her bedroom window, watching as the early morning light struggled to break through. Her stomach churned with nerves.

Today was the day.

She turned away from the window, her eyes landing on the framed photograph of her and her mom, taken when Jade was younger—maybe twelve years old—just after one of her first recitals. Her mom was smiling, her arm wrapped protectively around Jade's shoulder, and in that moment, Jade had felt like she could do anything. She'd been proud, and confident. She wished she could feel like that now.

The sound of footsteps in the hallway caught her attention, and a moment later, her mom knocked gently on the door, poking her head inside. "You up, sweetheart?"

Jade nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah, I'm up."

Her mom stepped into the room, her eyes softening as she looked at Jade. "Big day, huh?"

"Yeah," Jade muttered, her voice tight. "Big day."

Her mom crossed the room and sat on the edge of the bed, smoothing the blanket beneath her hand. "You've worked so hard for this, Jade. I'm proud of you, no matter what happens today."

Jade's heart clenched at the words, a mixture of gratitude and guilt washing over her. She knew her mom meant well—knew that she wanted the best for her. But there was still that nagging voice in the back of her mind, the one that told her she wasn't enough. That she had to be perfect, for her mom, for herself.

"I just... I don't want to disappoint you," Jade whispered, her eyes fixed on the floor.

Her mom's hand found hers, squeezing gently. "You could never disappoint me. I'm proud of you because of who you are, not what you win."

Jade nodded, but the words didn't fully sink in. She appreciated them—she really did—but they couldn't quiet the storm of nerves swirling inside her. She had to prove something today. She had to.


The rehearsal studio was buzzing with activity when Jade arrived later that morning. Dancers stretched and practiced their routines, the tension in the air almost palpable. Jade could feel the weight of it pressing down on her as she entered the room.

Noah was already there, leaning against the mirrored wall, his arms crossed casually as he watched the chaos unfold. When he saw her, he gave her that familiar, easygoing smile, the one that always made her feel like maybe everything would be okay.

"Morning, Monroe," he said, his voice light but with an undertone of excitement. "Ready for the big day?"

Jade tried to smile back, but it came out as more of a grimace. "I think so."

Noah stepped closer, his eyes searching hers. "You okay?"

Jade nodded quickly, not trusting herself to say more. She didn't want to admit how nervous she was, didn't want to burden him with her doubts. But Noah wasn't fooled.

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