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The bazaar
The queen had ordered Aratrika to venture around the villages for the entire day and as "she was too involved" in politics, she would like to see her work now that it had been almost 3 days of marriage .
Aratrika didn't find this to be difficult and was herself looking for an excuse to go out , gather some evidence and information to send to King Vikramaditya, her father. It was not easy to fathom the king as her father, her married life and how she felt without having trained for almost a month . Her body felt weakened and she felt helpless after a long time.

Being outside that prison was a moment of peace and
silence for her , the bustling town and the sounds gave her peace and assurance that she wouldn't lose her mind. Here the people would treat her like a royal , less as scum as she was used to.

The only problem for her to completely focus on her mission was Veera . He stuck around like gum and wouldn't let her out of site. Way to be an honest commoner . But he was more than that , his face was almost emotionless and his eyes were full of emotion. He stared at her without blinking almost and at one point , Aratrika wondered whether he was dead when he signalled her to move ahead.
Maaran stood a few feet from the two, observing every movement .

"Maaran.. can I speak to you for a moment ?" Aratrika called Maaran fixing her gaze at Veera.
"Yes your majesty"
"Well ... I would appreciate if anyone ... and I mean anyone can show me around at this place. You simply wouldn't expect a new princess to wander alone in this ....area, would you ?"
"Certainly my lady. Let me call one of the palace maids.."
"Ah ! They wouldn't be necessary. I want ... you ( pointing at Veera with extreme composure and mild strict attitude) to show around. I would advise the others to return back to court duties . They mustn't keep away from duties just for my personal reasons."

They looked at each other concerned and signalled each other. Maaran signed to the palace maids to leave for the palace and went along with them .

Aratrika and Veera were left in the bazaar and Veera signalled her to walk ahead.
This was what Aratrika was trying to do - single out one person and overpower them to do her duty . Veera was bulky enough and was twice her size but she was determined to get to him and take out information on the royal family. They were not saints to be all this good as people said they were .....

After walking a while , she noticed Veera slow down and halt white faced at a point. She looked back at him by the time he had continued to walk .

She ignored the stops and was busy on observing every one of Veera's moves ......

"So Veera.... I hope I can call you that since it's your name....."
"Yes your highness."
"Please let's drop the pleasantries. I am but your wife right ?"
"Well your highness ; I am not a part of the royal family technically ( his voice stressed) I am a loyal servant to the family . I have been appointed to protect them from any harm . And I mean any."
He stood close up to Aratrika as if he could read her thoughts and after a minute walked behind standing in spot.

Aratrika was unfettered.

"Well I was hoping on knowing someone from the royal family. That's not possible I guess ..... how about we stop there and ask something to eat ?"
"Well we could go to the royal estate to get a nourished meal catered to you..."

"Why your kingdom won't feed me ? It thinks I am not suitable for your prince?" Aratrika smiled sheepishly.
( all part of her plan to get to know him)

"Our kingdom is just as lavish and hospitable your highness . But it is out of royal rules to eat at un royal places fearing of catching diseases."

"I am your future queen and I order you to take me to that house I see near the middle of the forest and the foot of the mountain."

".....your highness as per your wish.."

On the way she made small talk about the kingdom , irking him to spill out something related to the kingdom's weakness, but he was too tight lipped .
And why wouldn't he be - he was not a palace maid but a general and a prince .

The palace maids had a habit of talking behind the curtains softly about what they did or seem that day ?

Like do you know that the queen ordered some special shipments from Korea ?
Do you know that they aren't much on talking terms the king and queen ?
The wife of Raja Vishad is going through an emotional mess due to her pregnancy
The second and third daughter in laws were talking for a long time ..... and so on

Things were said about the queen and the prince which she noted briefly , things which could be used against them.

But she needed something strong : something a king's confidant would know . And it was Veera . Though the king openly confided in his other sons , favouring the prince; it was Veera he was most keen at .

A look of guilt and trust in his eyes shit up as soon as Veera walked into the room .

And Veera too must have various sources in and around the palace like Maaran..... he could be used or taken out of the way  ; either way he was there .

They reached a cottage house with a huge garden , flowers and fruits growing . Fresh vegetables and the smell of wet soil covered the area. The area was not too big and lavish but it was definitely a place Aratrika would have lived at if she was not here on mission .
The sound of a stream and the birds chirping around made Aratrika forget her worries and take a deep breath . It was refreshing after a long time since she had been introduced to a variety of emotions.

"Whose place is this ? It is beyond compare and beautiful ? I would actually love to visit them some time even later."

The exact moment when an older man walked out and looked at them then threw an embrace to Veera .

"My child !! Come on inside and eat food , you are turning way too disrespectful to your health these days ... and who is this beautiful young lady ?"

Veera looked at her and replied , "Your highness it is my house ; the cottage my mother .... My mother left me ...."

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