𝗦𝗳𝘄 𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗮𝗯𝗲𝘁 𝗦𝗼𝘀𝘂𝗸𝗲 𝗔𝗶𝘇𝗲𝗻 𝘅 𝗳!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿

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(LETTERS 'A, F, Q, S, U, X').

Starring: Aizen Sosuke x f!reader;

Format: head canons;

Warnings: fluff, domestic life, mention to marriage, violence and possessive attitude, solitude;

Plot: sfw head canons about Sosuke and his relationship with his female significant other.

Author note: hello, guys. I have recently received two requests about Aizen and a sfw aphabet. I am not totally against the idea of writing this format, but they can get kind of repetitive and monotone. I have decided to write a few letters for it today and I will add some more by answering the other requests. Someone else had sent requests for nsfw aphabets too and I will try to follow the same path I have chosen for this one. This for letting you know I would prefer to write about 'straight to the point' requests.

A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?).

Sosuke is not a very affectionate man, still it does not mean he cannot show empathy and his love for his partner through words or gestures. His detached and cold nature is confined to his way to deal with other people. Sosuke will always let you know that he cares about you, that he would set the entire world on fire for your sake.

As a selfish man, he sees you as the shiny diamond he needs to gloat about, in other words: his success. He loves you dearly. Maybe he does not say it out loud very often, but he makes sure you can feel it. Sometimes, his affection may blanket you with the ink he pours onto some fine paper. He writes to you, he leaves notes on the pillow to tell you he loves you and that you two are going to conquer they world together. In some other occasions, Sosuke holds your hand, bringing it to his mouth and leaving gentle, feather-like kisses over your knuckles. His gaze says a lot to you.

Having you in his arms at the end of the day provides him a joy he had struggled to comprehend at first, but that he has grown addicted to.

F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?).

Once he has his eyes on the woman who has made him question his ideals, Sosuke is down for a serious relationship. He loves stability, a wedding is surely in his plans and he would not hesitate to ask for you hand upon realizing you are his perfect match.

Probably one or two years far into your relationship, he will take your hand and slide a ring on your finger. He has been lonely for a long time, the solitude he felt had become his shadow. You changed his life. You brought him a happiness he had only seen in other people's eyes. Despite his terrible thirst for power, Sosuke wants you by his side forever. He is willing to demolish the solid wall he has built around himself for you.

Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?).

He knows and remembers everything about you and any information that has ever left your mouth. You, his jewel, are important to him. He would not let your words be blown in the wind unnoticed. It would be a sacrilege for him.

He knows all of your secrets, he knows your preferences in food, fashion, books, perfumes, favorite locations to spend your free time at. He has made sure you were well-aware of how intimately he knows you. This is how strong your connection is: no secrets between your two. He is probably the kind of man that dismisses everyone in the reunion to listen to you, to ask you what is on your mind and why you have a pouty face.

You trust him and he trusts you. But, God, do not betray him and his trust. Sometimes he is upset about the fact that someone can see past his façade, but he ignores his own irritation for the sake of your love.

S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?).

He does not need someone to protect him, let alone you. There is no way in Hell he would allow you to shield him from an attack. Probably, he just sticks up to consent you to defend his ideals through words, or simply by standing by his side. This is all that matters to him.

On the other hand, he would never put you in a position where your life is in danger. Not only he sends his best Arrancars to protect you, but he needs to constantly have you under his watch. After all, no one would stand a chance against him. The safest place you can stay at is by his side, or far from the battlefield.

Naturally, he has taught you fighting techniques you may need if you ever end up facing opponents on your own. He demands you to train with him. Maybe he might sound too harsh to you, but it is all for you and your well-being. He loves you, only you.

U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?).

There might be times when he leaves you alone for too long. He doesn't want you to reach out to him, claiming it could endanger your life, or that he needs some time alone to plot better strategies.

It might sound like he is trying to gaslight you, but he gives you speeches and talks about how necessary it is for him to shut the world outside and concentrate on the task at hand and it does not sound like he wants to manipulate or hurt you. Not intentionally, at least.

It does get lonely, though, and you suffer because of it. Sosuke knows how you feel, thus pushing him closer to you every single time you are reunited after long periods of time. This bastard knows how to make you forgive him.

X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them).

It is well-known around that Sosuke loves tea. Since he met you, though, he loves sharing his moment of peace and quiet in your company. He makes sure your favorite blend is filling your cup and you sit together on the couch, softly talking about your day, or anything else that does not concern the Soul Society.

Once he finishes his drink, he allows you to massage his shoulders and run your fingers through his soft hair. He never had all of this affection shown to him, not even when he was a child. This is your moment, your little heaven.

He might have killed some shinigamis and arrancars trying to interrupt you two. It was for your sake, though.

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