3- An angel in disguise

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Taking a deep breath, I saw her smiling face and decided to tell her about my qualifications. If she's able to help, it would be beneficial; if she's not, it wouldn’t do any harm.

Despite the hurtful incident with my parents, my heart still can't lose faith in people around me. I can't even be angry with my parents; they’re fine without me. So leaving them behind seems like the right and reasonable thing to do.

Taking another deep breath, I began, "Aunty, I have a degree in Business Administration and a postgraduate degree in Business Management. I also completed an internship as a secretary. Currently, I’m jobless," I added with a small chuckle.

"Impressive. So you’ve worked as an intern, have knowledge of business, and experience as a secretary. Good. I have a job opportunity for you, but you need to pass the test truthfully and based on your knowledge."

"My grandson needs a personal assistant since his last one got fired after messing up his important project files. He’s currently looking for a new PA. You can give it a try," she said with a genuine smile.

"Are you sure, Aunty? You don’t even know anything about me, and your grandson—he’s a decision-maker. Will he really give a chance to interview someone his grandmother met on a train?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

"Tch, it’s not like the girls coming for the interview are personally known to him either. Don’t be silly; you’re a stranger to him just like the others. I’m only asking him to give you a slot for an interview, nothing more," she said, trying to reassure me and ease my hesitation.

I nodded, and she happily called her grandson.

"Hello, Ansh, are you free right now?" she asked. So her grandson’s name is Ansh.

"Yes, it’s urgent. Listen, I met this girl—" She paused to listen to him, though I couldn’t hear his voice.

"Oh, listen to me, dear, that’s not what I meant. I met a girl on the train with whom I’m currently traveling. She needs a job and has knowledge in business management. Since you need a PA, I suggested she give it a shot. It would be great if you could give her a slot in your interviews the day after tomorrow," she said, but this time her voice had a strict undertone, as if daring him to refuse.

"I know the others are strangers to you too, so what’s the harm in adding her to the interview process?" she added, her tone no-nonsense now.

"Great! I’ll take care of it right away," she said happily before ending the call and turning her attention back to me.

"Good job, Mishthi! Could you please send me your details and email ID so I can request the HR department to officially send you an email about the interview?" she asked.

After exchanging WhatsApp numbers, I sent her my details, including certificates and degrees. She forwarded them to someone, probably her grandson.

"All done. You’ll receive an email within an hour," she said with her sweet, caring voice and charming smile. I didn’t know if I was walking into a trap or if she was genuinely helping me, but my instincts told me to trust her kindness.

"Thank you, Aunty," I said, giving her hand a gentle squeeze.

"It’s alright. Do you have a place to stay?" she asked with genuine concern, raising questions in my mind about why she would ask this after only knowing me for a few hours.

"Huh?" I wasn’t sure whether to tell her the truth or lie.

"Don’t get me wrong, dear. I know this era is filled with lies and insecurities, but I’m asking for your own safety. If you’re new in Mumbai, it’s not safe to stay just anywhere. I can suggest some decent and secure hotels or PGs," she said, understanding my dilemma.

I decided to be honest.

"No, Aunty, I haven’t found a place yet. If you can suggest somewhere safe, please do," I said. She smiled warmly in response.

"Well, there is a place. If you trust me, you can stay with me until you find a job. I live with my two sons, two daughters-in-law, three grandsons, and two granddaughters. It’s a big family, but we have plenty of empty rooms. Plus, I’d have someone to chat with," she offered, sounding like a schoolgirl inviting a friend for a sleepover.

"But Aunty, how can I? You don’t even know me. How will your family react if you bring a stranger into your home? I don’t feel comfortable with it," I said hesitantly, feeling awkward since she had already helped me so much.

"If that’s how you feel, I won’t force you and make myself look creepy. There’s a safe hotel near Marine Drive. I’ll show you the address," she said, showing me some nearby hotels and PGs online.

With our chit-chat, I almost forgot about everything that happened yesterday, and suddenly, I felt hungry.

"Aunty, do you want to eat pizza?" I asked.

"Pizza? Here on the train?" she replied, surprised.

"Yes, Aunty! The next stop is in about 45 minutes, and we can order pizza through an app. They’ll deliver it to the train at the station," I explained. She got excited, nodded enthusiastically like a child, and told me her preferences for toppings.

I placed an order for two large pizzas with side dips and drinks to be delivered at the next station, about 30 minutes away.

She insisted on paying, but I ignored her offers. After everything she had done for me, the least I could do was treat her to pizza.

When we reached the station, the delivery man was waiting with our hot pizzas. We took them and started eating. I secretly took my medicine to numb the pain.

This time, I fell asleep beside Aunty, only to wake up a few hours later to hear her serious voice...

"Mumbai is under curfew, and all hotels and PGs are closed," she said with a worried expression.

I rubbed my eyes and sat up, confused by her tense face. When she ended the call, I asked, "What happened, Aunty? You seem tense."

"Yes, dear. Mumbai is under curfew because of a terrorist attack. All hotels and PGs are closed to new customers," she said, her tone full of worry.

"Oh God! Then where will I go?" I whispered to myself, but she heard me.

"Don’t worry, dear. Maybe it’s fate that we met. The only option left is for you to stay with me. You’re like my granddaughter—how could I leave you behind?" she said, caressing my head.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged her tightly. She truly is an angel in disguise.


How’s the chapter, fellas? I hope you all like it. The male protagonist enters in the next chapter!

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XoXo, SAnshi ❤️

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