Chapter 42: All at once

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Zac stepped into his apartment, the door left ajar in his hurry. He needed to pack an overnight bag and get back to Fatima's as soon as possible. His mind was racing, thinking about her sitting alone in that massive house, lost in her thoughts, most likely spiraling. Fatima was strong—stronger than anyone he knew—but even the strongest people had their breaking points. And tonight, Zac wasn't going to leave her to face it by herself.

He grabbed his duffle bag from the closet, slinging it over his shoulder as he quickly shifted around the apartment, gathering essentials. Clothes, toiletries, phone charger. The routine of packing helped calm his nerves, but not by much. He needed to get back to her. Fatima had been holding it together, but Zac knew better than to think she'd be okay on her own tonight. She wasn't one to ask for help, but that didn't mean she didn't need it.

He tossed a pair of shoes into the bag, zipping it up with a sigh. Just as he was about to head out, a familiar voice rang through the apartment.


Zac rolled his eyes at the sound of his father's voice. He was in no mood for a lecture, especially not tonight. He yelled back, "In the bedroom!" His mind was already halfway out the door, back to Fatima.

Moments later, Michael appeared in the doorway, his expression stern and troubled. Zac could already tell where this conversation was going, and he wasn't interested.

"Did you see the news?" Michael's tone was accusatory. "Your girlfriend went to jail. She's the daughter of that drug lord, probably working with him."

Zac's jaw clenched, his patience already wearing thin. He turned to face his father, shaking his head. "Yes, Dad. I know she's the daughter of Denzel Garcia. She told me herself. I know she went to jail because I got her bail."

Michael's frown deepened, disbelief etched across his face. "You're defending that woman? Knowing her background?"

Zac's eyes narrowed, and he could feel the anger bubbling beneath the surface. He had expected some pushback from his father, but hearing it in person made his blood boil. "Yes, Dad. Were you not the one who taught me that a person's past doesn't define their future?" Zac snapped. "What's your problem with Fatima? She's a good woman!"

Michael shook his head, his mouth set in a thin, disapproving line. "No. I will never understand what you see in her."

Zac clenched his fists, his voice rising in frustration. "You're unbelievable, you know that? You and Mom need to get used to the fact that I am with her, and one day, I'm gonna marry her. Either you deal with that, or I walk."

His words hung in the air, the weight of them hitting hard. Michael stared at him, a look of shock crossing his face. Zac had never spoken to his father like this before, but this wasn't just about Fatima—this was about the life he wanted, the woman he loved, and his father's unwillingness to accept that.

"Zachary," Michael said, his voice low and disapproving. "She's a criminal."

"No, she's not!" Zac shouted back, his frustration boiling over. "She just happens to be a criminal's daughter. That doesn't make her one."

Michael's face hardened. "That makes her a criminal, by association."

Zac's chest heaved with anger. His father's stubbornness was infuriating. "No, it doesn't!" he yelled, stepping toward his father. "Fatima has worked her entire life to get away from her past. She's built something for herself—a company, a life. She's not Denzel, Dad!"

Michael's expression didn't change. "And yet she's tied to him, isn't she? She used his money, his connections. She's no better than he is."

Zac's vision blurred with anger. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "You don't know her! You don't know what she's been through. Fatima is nothing like him. She's not a criminal, she's not the monster you're making her out to be."

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