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The air was thick with the scent of roses as Ayesha stepped out of the sleek black car, her heels clicking softly on the marble driveway of Massimo's villa. Nestled atop a hillside, the mansion exuded a grandeur that took her breath away. Golden lights illuminated the façade, casting an ethereal glow on the ornate stone columns that framed the entrance. It felt like stepping into another world — one of power, privilege, and secrets.

Ayesha adjusted the delicate straps of her emerald green gown, feeling the soft fabric cascade down her body. It was a gift from Massimo, delivered earlier in the day with a handwritten note: *Wear this tonight*. She hadn't known what to expect, but as she entered the grand hall, her senses were overwhelmed by the opulence surrounding her.

The dinner party was already in full swing. Crystal chandeliers sparkled above, reflecting off the polished floors like stars caught in the night sky. Lush tapestries adorned the walls, each depicting scenes of ancient battles and royal ceremonies. A long table, draped in silk, was set with gold-rimmed plates and silver goblets that gleamed under the soft light. Every detail screamed luxury, yet the air felt heavy, as though the weight of something unspoken lingered just beneath the surface.

Massimo stood near the center of the room, surrounded by his guests, his presence commanding attention without him uttering a word. He was dressed in a perfectly tailored black suit, his hair slicked back with effortless sophistication. As their eyes met across the room, Ayesha felt a flutter of nerves. There was something intoxicating about him, a magnetism that both drew her in and made her wary.

"Ayesha, you look stunning," his deep voice cut through the murmur of conversations as he approached her, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her knuckles. His touch was brief but sent a spark up her arm.

"Thank you," she replied, her voice steady despite the sudden rush of heat she felt under his gaze. "This place is... incredible."

"Just a place," he said with a small shrug, though the glint in his eyes suggested otherwise. "Come, there are people I'd like you to meet."

He guided her through the room, introducing her to faces she recognized only from magazines and news articles — influential business tycoons, politicians, and socialites. Their smiles were polite, their eyes sharp, as though they were sizing her up, trying to figure out who this new woman was in Massimo's life.

It wasn't long before they reached a group standing near the edge of the terrace. The man Massimo introduced as Enzo was tall and broad-shouldered, his sharp features softened by the hint of a smile. He extended a hand to her, his eyes flicking quickly between her and Massimo.

"Ayesha, this is Enzo," Massimo said. "He's been with me for years. If you ever need anything, he's the one to go to."

"Nice to meet you," Ayesha said, shaking Enzo's hand. His grip was firm, but there was an undercurrent of something in his gaze — not hostility, but caution.

"Likewise," Enzo replied, his smile friendly, though his eyes didn't quite match the expression. "You're a long way from home, no?"

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