Chapter 13: Frost and Fury

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The tension in the hospital was thick, a palpable force that seemed to choke the air as the Armed Detective Agency stood on one side, and the Port Mafia on the other. The hospital was quiet, save for the low murmur of machinery keeping Fukuzawa alive in one of the upper rooms. The showdown between the two groups had been inevitable, but now it felt as though the world itself was holding its breath, waiting for the first strike.

Chūya Nakahara, ever the provocateur, smirked as he stepped forward, his voice dripping with arrogance. "One-on-one? Or do you all want to come at us at once? Either way, it won't change the outcome." He cracked his knuckles, his eyes gleaming with the thrill of the fight.

Before anyone could respond, Akutagawa's sharp eyes narrowed as he felt a sudden shift in the air. A chill crept up his spine, an unmistakable coldness that made his breath cloud in front of him. It was her. Y/N. He had felt this icy presence before. His voice cut through the tension. "She's here."

But before he could finish his warning, the sound of shattering glass filled the room. Everyone turned, shocked, as Y/N came crashing through one of the large hospital windows, her boot slamming into the ground with enough force to crack the floor beneath her. The cold followed her like a storm, the temperature in the room plummeting as a fine layer of frost crept up the walls.

Her eyes were wild, blazing with fury, the grief and anger over her father's condition fueling her every move. Kunikida, recognizing the storm brewing inside her, knew exactly what this was about. "Y/N," he called, his voice firm, trying to reign her in. "Don't go too wild!"

But Y/N wasn't listening. Her icy glare was locked on Chūya. "You," she growled, her voice low, but filled with rage. "You're going to pay for what your people did."

Chūya's smirk widened. "Oh, I was hoping you'd be my opponent. Let's see what that ice of yours can do."

With a sharp movement of her hand, Y/N sent a wave of freezing energy outward, ice spreading across the floor, the walls, even the ceiling. Everything around them became encased in glittering frost, turning the hospital lobby into a frozen battlefield. The ground beneath Chūya's feet began to crack and freeze, but he stood firm, his eyes never leaving hers.

Kunikida called out again, "Y/N! We can't afford to—"

But it was too late. Y/N lunged at Chūya with terrifying speed, her fist encased in ice as she swung at him with all her strength. Chūya, fast and agile, ducked beneath her attack, the air crackling with the tension between their opposing forces.

Chūya, still smirking, activated his gravity manipulation ability, focusing it directly beneath Y/N. "Focus on me," he taunted as the gravitational pull around her intensified, yanking her off her feet. The ground beneath her shattered from the pressure as she was slammed downward with incredible force, crashing through the floor and plummeting to the level below.

The impact knocked the air from Y/N's lungs, and she gasped for breath as dust and debris settled around her. Her vision blurred for a moment, but she grit her teeth, pushing herself up with a groan. "You bastard," she muttered under her breath.

Chūya stepped to the edge of the hole she had fallen through, looking down with that same smug grin. "C'mon, Y/N. Don't tell me that's all you've got."

Her eyes flashed dangerously. With a flick of her wrist, Y/N summoned ice shards—sharp, deadly spears of frozen energy that she launched toward Chūya with pinpoint accuracy. He dodged most of them, his body moving with the fluidity of a seasoned fighter, but one shard sliced through the air and tore through his coat, ruining the fabric.

Chūya's smirk vanished, replaced by a scowl. "You ruined my coat," he growled. He raised his hand, and with a grunt of effort, used his gravity ability once more, ripping a massive chunk of debris from the broken ground and hurling it toward Y/N's head.

Reacting quickly, Y/N raised an ice wall, the massive block of ice shielding her from the incoming attack. The debris slammed into the wall with a thunderous crash, but her defense held—until the explosion.

Motojirō Kajii, the Port Mafia's mad bomber, had been watching from the sidelines, grinning maniacally. Seeing his opportunity, he lobbed one of his infamous lemon-shaped bombs straight toward Y/N. The bomb hit her square in the face, detonating with a deafening blast.

Though the explosion wasn't strong enough to cause serious injury, it was enough to stun her. The force knocked her backward, her head slamming into the cold, hard ground. Her vision went black as she lost consciousness, her body going limp amidst the ice and rubble.

Chūya chuckled, dusting off his coat as he glanced down at her unconscious form. "That was a cheap move," he muttered under his breath, glancing over at Kajii, who was still laughing in the background.

"She'll be fine," Kajii called out, his voice high-pitched with glee. "A little bomb never hurt anyone... too badly."

Meanwhile, the rest of the Port Mafia had engaged the Armed Detective Agency in a chaotic clash. Akutagawa had activated his ability, Rashōmon, its dark, fabric-like tendrils lashing out at anyone in his path. Atsushi, his tiger form in full effect, darted between the attacks, countering with powerful strikes of his own. However, something strange was happening—their attacks were phasing through the detectives.

"Illusions!" Akutagawa hissed, recognizing the work of Junichirō Tanizaki. His sharp eyes scanned the battlefield, searching for the real enemies amidst the mirage.

As the chaos unfolded, Chūya turned his attention back to Y/N. He had to admit, she was stronger than he had expected. Even now, unconscious as she was, the cold energy around her remained potent, the air still chilled from her power.

But Chūya had no time to linger. The battle was far from over, and the Port Mafia had more than just Y/N to contend with. He cast one last glance at her before turning toward the rest of the fray, his fists tightening as he prepared to dive back into the fight.

This war between the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency was only just beginning.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11 ⏰

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