Into the Lion's Den again

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The Volkov estate loomed ahead like a fortress, shrouded in darkness and guarded by high walls and armed men. It was the heart of the Antonov family's power, and tonight, it would be the battleground for the final strike. Alex and Harper, along with their team, crouched low in the dense brush that lined the perimeter, their faces grim with focus.

Alex's heart raced, her grip tight on her weapon. She glanced at the team-each of them ready for the fight ahead. They had planned this operation down to the last detail. They knew the risks. But this was the Antonov leadership, all of them gathered in one place. It was their best-and possibly last-chance to dismantle the mafia for good.

Anna's voice crackled through Alex's earpiece, a steadying force even from the safe house where she monitored the operation. "Everyone's in position. You've got multiple guards around the perimeter, but the east side is less fortified. You should be able to slip through there."

Alex nodded, her eyes scanning the estate grounds. "Copy that. We're moving in."

Harper signaled to the team, and they moved silently toward the east side of the estate. The guards patrolled in a predictable pattern, their flashlights cutting through the dark. Alex and her team used the shadows, creeping closer to the estate's walls.

Anna's voice came through again, tense but steady. "Watch out for motion sensors along the wall. I've overridden some of the security systems, but there's still a few blind spots."

Alex pressed herself against the wall, carefully deactivating a motion sensor as they reached the eastern gate. They scaled the wall quickly, dropping down silently on the other side. The mansion's windows were dark, save for the faint glow of light coming from the upper floors where the meeting was taking place.

"We've got to move fast," Harper whispered. "They'll have more men inside."

Alex nodded, her eyes hard. "No mistakes. We take out the guards, hit the leadership, and get out."

The team split up, moving through the estate's grounds like shadows. Alex and Harper led the main assault, while two agents circled around to create a distraction at the front. The plan was to draw the bulk of the guards away from the meeting room, leaving the Antonov leaders vulnerable.

They reached the back entrance of the mansion, slipping inside without a sound. The hallway was dimly lit, the marble floors reflecting the soft glow of the chandeliers above. Alex's pulse quickened as they moved deeper into the mansion. They could hear voices from upstairs-faint, but unmistakable. The meeting had started.

As they approached the staircase, they spotted two guards at the foot of the stairs, their rifles slung over their shoulders. Alex raised her hand, signaling to Harper. He nodded, and they moved in quickly and silently.

Two muffled shots. The guards dropped without a sound.

"Clear," Harper whispered, stepping over the bodies.

They ascended the staircase, their steps light, weapons raised. The meeting room was just ahead, its heavy wooden doors slightly ajar. Alex could hear the low murmur of voices inside-Russian, mostly, with the occasional English phrase. Her adrenaline spiked. This was it.

Anna's voice crackled through the earpiece again. "There are eight targets in the room, including the head of the Antonovs, Dmitri Volkov. He's the one you need to take down. If you get him, the rest will fall apart."

Alex's jaw tightened. Dmitri Volkov was the man who had orchestrated the Antonovs' return to power. He was the mastermind behind the trafficking ring and every other criminal enterprise the family ran. Taking him out would cripple the entire organization.

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