Just The Two of Us #5

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I began to sink into my seat as my boyfriend heard a knock on my window. He chuckled and asked why I was hiding from a stranger. I looked at him, and sat up. I was sweating at this point, and explained to him that the man tapping on the window was my ex boyfriend. My boyfriend froze and rolled down the window, telling my ex to go to the driver's side. We could tell he was annoyed as he slowly made his way to the other side of the car. My boyfriend rolled down his window, and asked what my ex wanted, not acknowledging that he was my ex just yet. My ex looked into the car and directly to me. I grabbed a jacket I had left in my boyfriends car, and covered myself. This action concerned my boyfriend as he continued to question my ex.

At this point, 10 minutes had passed, and my ex was getting impatient. He began raising his voice, telling me to get out of the car, and the angered my boyfriend. He told my ex I wasn't going to get out, as he stepped out of the car. My ex stepped back a bit, but still trying to convince me to get out. My boyfriend pushed him back, which cause my ex to punch back in retaliation. He missed and said that me, "his girlfriend," needed to get out of his car because it was time to come home. My boyfriend was done with his bullshit, and punched my ex, getting knocked to the ground. My boyfriend yelled at my ex, telling him, me and him were dating, and to back off. My ex looked shocked, and looked red with anger. My boyfriend got back into the car, and told me we should go to another mall to buy my bridesmaid dress. I nodded as he turned on the car.

Now that we were finally on our way to the other mall, I could finally focus on finding the bridesmaid dress for our friend's wedding. I began looking at online stores on our way there, and once we had arrived, I knew exactly which store I'm we needed to run to. When we finally parked and made our way to the mall's entrance and looked for the store, panicking since we couldn't find it. At last, I had found the store, and I told my boyfriend to look at half of it, and call me if he found the dress. As I looked through the dresses, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and me thinking it was my boyfriend, I asked if he had found the dress. I looked over my shoulder, freezing up as I saw my ex standing over me. I felt like my heart had stopped. At this point, i was terrified, as he began pulling me out of the store. My heart was pounding and my legs felt weak. I wanted my boyfriend. He wasn't here though, be was on the other side of the store. Or so I thought. In an instant, I saw police officers run towards me and my ex who was basically dragging me on the floor, which spooked the both of us. The officers told him to let go of me, and my ex complied, as I turned around to see my boyfriend running to me.

As I was finally in my boyfriends arms, I found out why the police was after my ex. He had robbed multiple jewelry stores, and had killed at least 5 of his ex girlfriends after finding out they began dating someone else. I was shaking in the arms of my boyfriend, and ended up crying from the scare I dealt with.

He was arrested, and sentenced to life in prison. I was a victim, to I had to show up, with my lawyer, and state what I experienced while dating him, and the terrible scare I got that day. This all happened a month or 2 before my friends wedding, and yes, I got the dress.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2024 ⏰

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