chapter 🌊8

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  Author's pov...

  Later jes walked down towards the dinning while he found the Bible was playing video games with luke and levi while ivy and Sammy cheering him up ...

Bible:"Yess... Luke I won ..." Ivy and Sammy hugged the bible while he laughed at two girls craziness ...

Apo:" won the Bible now come let's have dinner..." The Bible nodded his head before walking towards the dinning table while he looked where to sit ...

Gulf:"Sit wherever you want na Bible ...Just feel free to do your house. Did you get it ..." Bible nodded his head while he looked at jes who was smiling at him ...

Jes:"Luke move to that side ... Bible here seat down ..." Ivy looked jes while Bible nodded his head while he sit next to jes ...

  While all looked jes and bible smiling at eachothers while apo patted mew and mile who nodded thier head in understanding what's going on here ...

Mile:"So Bible how was your practice sessions or going on ? Do you feel any discomfort..." Bible shakes his head ...

Bible:"No p'Mile i don't i got used to swimming and this time I have to win this competition at any cost i have to look after my mom ..." Bible started to eat while jes looked apo and gulf before starting to eat ...

Later  Bible walks towards the main door while  gulf handed him a dinner for his mom and Rufus...

Bible:"You don't have to do this  p'gulf ... I will buy something for them on my way ..." Gulf patted Bibles head with a smile...

Gulf:"Just take it don't worry about anything soon mom will get fine and once she gets cured we will hire in our new shop and I heard she completed her college and was working as a cashier before right Rufus told us everything don't worry ok we are with you ..." Bible hugged the gulf tightly while he kissed  gulf cheeks and made mew choke his water...

Mew:"You brat ..." Bible hides behind the gulf who laughed at mew's reaction...

Jes:"Mew... Words " Apo snapped his head towards jes who cleared his throat while looking at his laptop...

Bible:"Ohhh someone is jealous na p'gulf.... P'mew he is my big brother and p'apo too then I will take my leave bye bye kids ... Bye Sammy ... " Bible walked out while jes walked towards the main door and watched Bible walking towards the main gate ...

Gulf:"Do you feel jealousy Mr jes ... That you can't get a kiss from  Bible ..." Jes shut Gulf's mouth while he handed over him to mew who held his wifey tightly...

  Apo and mile laughed at their conversation while jes walked upstairs with a smile on his face while apo patted Mile's shoulder with a happy smile ...

In the morning Sammy waited for Bible to get ready for college because they having a important meeting at the college auditorium... The Bible rushed towards the car while wearing his shoe while drive open the door for him...

Bible:"Thank you phi... What meeting we are having your highness...Did p'mew and p'Mile talk about anything to you regarding the special meeting huh?..." Sammy shook her head while fixing the  Bible's hair ...

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