Chapter 10: Unspoken Truths

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Morning sunlight streamed through the large windows of the cabin, casting a soft glow over the room. Emma blinked her eyes open, groggy but warm, her head resting on Jake's chest. His arm was still wrapped protectively around her, his steady breaths lulling her into a sense of calm.

For a moment, she let herself indulge in the feeling. There was something about waking up in his arms that made everything feel right, like she belonged there. She glanced up at him, admiring the peaceful look on his face as he slept. He looked so relaxed, his features softened by sleep, and Emma couldn't help but smile.

She shifted slightly, trying not to wake him as she carefully slipped out of bed. But as soon as she moved, Jake stirred, his arm tightening around her waist.

"Where are you going, babe?" he mumbled, his voice raspy with sleep.

Emma chuckled softly, leaning down to press a kiss to his cheek. "Just getting some water. Go back to sleep."

"Mmm," he hummed in response, his eyes still closed as he pulled her closer. "Stay with me."

Her heart fluttered at his words, and she couldn't resist snuggling back into his warmth. She loved how he called her babe, how he always made her feel so safe and cherished. And while she knew she should probably get up, she found herself sinking back into the comfort of his embrace, not quite ready to leave the cocoon of their bed.

They lay like that for a while, wrapped up in each other, the peaceful quiet of the cabin surrounding them. The only sounds were the distant chirping of birds outside and the soft rustle of the trees as the wind blew through the forest. It was so different from their usual lives—no traffic, no noise, no distractions. Just them.

Eventually, Jake stirred again, this time opening his eyes and giving her a sleepy smile. "Good morning, beautiful."

"Morning," she replied, her voice soft as she traced a finger along the edge of his jaw. "Did you sleep well?"

"With you in my arms? Always," he said, his hand trailing down her back in a lazy caress.

Emma's heart swelled at his words, and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips. It was these little moments with Jake that made her fall for him more every day—the way he made her feel like she was the only thing that mattered.

After a few more minutes of enjoying the warmth of his body against hers, Emma reluctantly sat up. "We should probably get up. I'm starving."

Jake groaned playfully but followed her lead, sitting up and stretching his arms over his head. "Alright, alright. I'll make us some breakfast."

"You don't have to do all the cooking, you know," Emma teased as she stood and grabbed one of Jake's shirts from the floor, slipping it on.

Jake gave her a mischievous grin as he got out of bed and wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Oh, I know. But I like taking care of you."

Emma turned in his arms, giving him a look of mock disbelief. "Who are you, and what did you do with Jake?"

He laughed, kissing her forehead before releasing her and heading toward the kitchen. "Trust me, I'm still here. But even I know when to spoil my girl."

My girl. The words sent a thrill through Emma, and she found herself blushing slightly as she followed him into the kitchen. The thought of being Jake's—of him calling her his—was a heady feeling she wasn't used to. She had spent so much time guarding her heart, keeping people at a distance. But with Jake, everything felt different. He made her want to take down her walls, brick by brick, even if it scared her.

As Jake began pulling ingredients out of the fridge, Emma took a seat at the small wooden table, watching him work. There was something oddly soothing about the way he moved in the kitchen, his muscles flexing beneath the thin fabric of his T-shirt as he cracked eggs and whisked them together. It was such a simple, domestic moment, but to Emma, it felt like something more. It felt like the start of something real.

"So," Jake said, breaking the comfortable silence as he poured the eggs into a pan. "What do you want to do today?"

Emma shrugged, resting her chin on her hand as she watched him. "I don't know. What do you have in mind?"

He glanced over at her, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Well, we're in the middle of the woods. No cell service. No distractions. I can think of a few things."

Emma raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a teasing smile. "Oh yeah? Like what?"

Jake turned off the stove and walked over to her, leaning down until their faces were inches apart. His voice dropped to a low, husky tone. "Like you, babe. I've got all weekend to make you mine."

Her breath hitched at the intensity in his eyes, the heat in his voice sending a shiver down her spine. Jake had this way of making her feel like the only person in the world, like nothing else mattered but the two of them. And right now, with the cabin surrounding them in quiet solitude, it was easy to forget about everything else.

But as much as she wanted to get lost in him, to let herself fall deeper into whatever this was between them, there was still a part of her that hesitated. A part of her that was scared.

She pulled back slightly, her heart pounding in her chest. "Jake, I—"

He stopped her with a soft kiss, his lips brushing against hers in a way that made her melt. "You don't have to say anything, Emma. I know this is a lot. And I'm not rushing you. I just... I want you to know how I feel."

Emma swallowed hard, her eyes searching his. "How do you feel?"

Jake held her gaze, his hands cupping her face gently. "I'm falling for you. Hard. And I know it's scary, but I want you to know that I'm all in. Whatever this is, whatever we are... I'm in it for the long haul."

Her heart clenched at his words, the sincerity in his voice making it impossible for her to doubt him. Jake wasn't just saying the right things—he meant them. And that terrified her more than anything.

But at the same time, it was exactly what she had been waiting for. Someone who wasn't afraid to take a chance on her, who wasn't afraid to love her, even with all her flaws.

"I'm scared, Jake," she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I've been hurt before. I don't know if I can go through that again."

Jake's expression softened, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I know you're scared, sweetheart. And I'm not asking you to pretend like it's easy. But I'm here, okay? I'm not going anywhere."

Emma closed her eyes, letting his words sink in. She wanted to believe him. She wanted to trust that this time would be different, that Jake wouldn't hurt her the way others had.

Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and gave him a small smile. "Okay."

Jake smiled back, his hands still cradling her face. "Okay?"

"Okay," she repeated, her voice a little stronger this time.

Jake kissed her again, this time with more intensity, more promise. And as Emma kissed him back, she realized that maybe, just maybe, she was ready to take that leap of faith. To fall for him, the way he had already fallen for her.

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