Chapter Eight

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Alex awoke from the light of the sun hitting his face. For a second he thought he was in his bedroom until he tried to stretch out and realized he was lying on a couch. The sunlight was coming through a large front window across the room. After taking a second to remember what happened he decided he'd better leave. Getting unsteadily to his feet, Alex swayed as he made his way to the front door. But he didn't even get to grab the doorknob before a voice from behind him cried out.

"And is where you think you're going?"

He whirled around to see Bria glaring at him; he had never seen her ever look at him with an expression of anger before.

"I was just going to step out for a minute," he stammered feeling a little ashamed.

Bria marched over and grabbed his arm, before leading him back through the living room.

"You're in no condition to go anywhere, Lucky for you time for breakfast."

She steered him to the kitchen table and put her hands on his shoulders to get him to sit down.

"Look Bria this is completely unnecessary, I'm fine."

However, he went silent from the look she gave him. He quickly broke their gaze and stared around the kitchen. It was very tidy, pots and pans hung from the ceiling around the island in the center of the room. There were paintings of wolves in various scenes on the walls. While he looked at them, Dakota came up next to him and put a plate of scrambled eggs in front of him.

"Eat," Bria commanded as she picked up her fork.

Dakota gave her a scowl as she sat down, across from him.

"Lighten up, it's very common for someone in his condition to have a lack in appetite."

Bria glared at her, and he got the feeling that even though she called on Dakota for medical counsel, she didn't always take her advice. Deciding there was nothing to be gained by arguing with Bria, Alex took his first bite of eggs. He was delighted to find that there was a large amount of cheese cook into them.

Seeing his positive reaction Dakota smiled at him, before taking a bite from her plate.

"I'm glad you like them, I always felt scrambled was too boring by itself."

They sat the next few minutes in silence as the enjoyed breakfast. It didn't take long however for Bria to become impatient, as she kept scooting her food around her plate with her fork. Seeing there was something on her mind, Alex decided to find out what it was before she became further frustrated.

"Is there something on your mind?"

A look of relief came over her as she glanced up at him.

"Yes, I want you to tell me how is it you already knew about supernatural creatures?"

Alex felt a twinge of pain and regret for asking if she had a question.

"If you must know my first encounter with monsters was when I was ten."

He sighed not really up to recounting the tale, but he knew Bria well enough to know she would never stop asking tell he did.

"My father never had much time for me, just as he didn't for my brothers. All of us had nannies, who took care of us every moment of every day. However unlike the other two mine cared deeply for me."

Alex cupped his hands together trying not to think too hard about that night.

"She always tried to give me a normal childhood, so one day when she was going camping with her friends she brought me along."

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