Chapter Nine

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Bria could not stop pacing around the store, her anxiety on high. Thoughts swirled in her head as she obsessed over the fact that Alex was going to die, and there was nothing that she could do about it. Jasmine was busy trying to prune some Lilly's. After ten minutes, he had enough and slammed his shears onto the counter.

"If this guy means that much you should call him," he said sounding aggravated.

"He won't answer my calls anymore," Bria whimpered as she continued to pace.

"Use my phone he won't recognize the number," suggested Jasmine.

Bria stopped pacing and stared down at the floor.

"What's the point he's not going to listen to me," she said miserably.

Bria paced for ten more minutes while Jasmine looked like he was ready to start pulling his hair out.

"Can I have some gum I'm out," he asked as Bria stared at her reflection in the shop window.


She stood there staring at the window for half a minute more before she turned around.

"Hey Jasmine, do you think I'm too obsessive about.."

Her she stopped when she saw him heading towards the back room with her phone in his hands.

"Jasmine get back here," she screamed but got to the door just as he shut it in her face.

"Jasmine don't you dare," she screamed pounding on the door.

After five minutes, he came back out and handed her phone.

"He answered my number just like I said, I plead with him and I got him to come down to talk about it one more time. So don't blow it think up a bitching argument."

For the next twenty minutes, Bria stood at the front of the shop ideas of what to say swirling in her head. She figured her best bet was to be just totally honest and bare her feelings. Before she knew it, Alex was walking up the street looking rather disheveled and with bags under his eyes. It gave her a little feeling of satisfaction to know that he was having trouble with this too.

"Thank you for coming," said Bria trying to sound as sincere as possible.

"Let's just get this over with," replied Alex looking rather exasperated.

This is it Bria's last chance to convince him and she wasn't going to waste it.

"I'll ask you one more time, please let me help you," she begged grabbing his hands and gazing deeply into his eyes.

"I already gave you my answer and you're not going to change my mind."

Alex is already sounded exasperated, and she became desperate.

"But you're going to die when there's no reason, you can be cured."

Alex put his hand to his forehead and his expression became pained.

"People die every day Bria why should I be the exception," he yelled at the top of his lungs.

"Because I love you, you big idiot."

Bria was shocked; she had never really comprehended that she felt that way and wondered at what point in their relationship she had started too.

"What," explained Alex apparently he also had been taken completely by surprise by her comment.

Uncomfortably Bria walked up to him and placed her hand on his chest.

"I said I love you that's why can't lose you, so please I beg you let me help."

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