"A new adventure"

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"Do you have everything" my dad says nervously

"Yes, yes I told you for the hundredth time" I say "and you don't have to worry me and Aubrey will be fine. It's not like I haven't done this before" I said with a smile. Whenever he gets nervous he starts repeating thing and I couldn't hold the smile back.

Summer is finally her and I can't be anymore happy then to go back to Westhampton with my best friend Aubrey for 3 whole months since school ended early this year and it starts later than usual.

"I know Sam but I just can't believe you are so grown up" he says "time flys by so quickly and soon you and not going to need me-"

"Dad please don't cry" I cut in "I'm going to be fine. Plus summer will go by before you know it and then it will be back home to the lovely city of Manhattan" I finish reassuringly
Before he could go back to repeating something he already said Aubry's car pulled in as she honked the car. It was her same blue jeep she used to pick me up every morning before school.

"Sammy!!!" She screamed and I quickly grabbed my suitcase kissed and hugged my dad goodbye and hopped into the car.

"Don't you worry Mr. Collins I'll take real good car of her" she screamed to my dad and he simply smiled in understanding. He always loved Aubry because of how much she made him laugh. She is the craziest girl in all of Manhattan and my best friend.

"Byedaddyiloveyou" I shouted in one breath out the window as Aubry pulled out of the driveway and onto our new adventure.

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