Dead person

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Chapter 3 ~Dead person

"Kagami... Ichiro was crying."


"What are you guys talking about?" Ichiro asked, turning around in his seat, "I didn't cry last night."


Ichiro flinched as Kuroko appeared beside him, having little to no presence.

"Positively sure," Ichiro muttered, giving a light shove to the ghost boy for personal space, "Is that what was troubling you guys?"

"It wasn't troubling me. Just the idiot," Kagami replied, leaning back in his chair. He made a sharp eye contact connection with Ichiro, explaining that he knew he was lying.

"Then we're dropping this subject and focusing on basketball practice. I think it's going to rain today, though," Ichiro chatted, glancing out the window in thoughts.

'He can't hide his feelings,' Kagami thought to himself.


"Please go easy on us, sempais," Ichiro gave a kind smile giving the appearance of an innocent first year.

"D-do I see an angel?" Koganei asked, squinting and rubbing his eyes as an effect.

"Don't fall for it," Hyuga commanded, "Get into position."

Everyone watched in awe as Mitobe and Ichiro jumped for the ball. It's the start of the game.

Ichiro, with the advantages of taller height and light body, gained the ball first. Within seconds, the first years were winning from the helps of Ichiro and Kagami(mostly Kagami though)

"It's just Kagami," Hyuga commented, "We can't let it go that way. Lets calm you down."

"Three team?!"

"On top of that, they place two on him even if he doesn't have the ball," Ichiro took note, "T'ch, idiot sempais."

"Idiots? Says the losing team?" Izuki asked.

"Eh- You heard?!" Ichiro rubbed the back of his head sheepishly as a majority of the second years smirked.

"Show some respects to your upperclassmen, why don't you?" Hyuga growled, emitting an evil aura.

"Holy fudge sticks!" Ichiro exclaimed, running toward the group of first years where Kagami threw punches at Kuroko.

"Please pass the ball to me when you can," Kuroko said, flexing his wrists.

"Pass to me, then, Kuroko," Ichiro ordered, giving a toothy grin like he understood everything, which he probably did.

"Uh... hai," Kuroko replied uneasily with a nod.

"You're trusting him? I'd rather give the ball to a dog," a teammate asked under his breath, "at least it'll bare it's teeth to protect the ball."

"Have faith in your own teammates," Ichiro supported, patting his teammate's shoulder before jogging ahead.

"Why don't YOU just take the ball?" The boy glanced at Kuroko who held a different presence, "Whatever. Just don't lose the ball."

The whistle dropped from the coach's mouth as she gaped at some missing information. Ichiro dunked, his mark blinking in surprise, confused how the first year dissappeared. Even more confusing was how the ball was passed to him. By Kuroko?!

"The ball went from there...?"

"What the **** just happened?"

"Hey, no cussing," Ichiro smirked confidently while scolding the older friend.

"But really, what just happened?"

Ichiro shrugged, glad to have information others didn't. He took a quick side glance at Aida, who would soon understand, and then at Kagami, who would pair up with the phantom later.

"If only you were here," Ichiro said to himself before flinching at the presence of stares' from Hyuga and Izumi. He gave a goofy expression before walking off, trying to ignore he was caught talking to himself.

" know?" Kuroko asked, causing Ichiro to have a mini-heart attack.

"Kami, you can't just sneak up in people like that!" Ichiro exclaimed, placing a hand on his heart, "you're going to be the death of me."

"So you knew," Kuroko stated, going to steal the ball.

Ichiro watched him walk away before sighing. Of course he knew. What kind of person would he be if he didn't know?

"A dead person," Ichiro concluded, "if I didn't know his skills, I would be a dead person."


I know I haven't updated in a while, but hey! I just now did. I'll admit I'm slow but I have no Internet. Just leeching off of McDonald's for now xD

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