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'pack your bags'

Natalie was practically wearing the floor down with all her pacing, she couldn't help it

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Natalie was practically wearing the floor down with all her pacing, she couldn't help it. For as long as she could remember her biggest fear had been being caught, being ripped away from her sister and forced into a life she didn't want, with soulmates she didn't want. And now? Well now she ran the risk of her fear coming true.

The apartment door creaked open to reveal Katherine who carelessly chucked her keys onto the counter as well as kicking off her heels. It was only when she walked through into the living room that she noticed something was wrong, Natalie was perched on the edge of the sofa looking scared, actually scratch that, Natalie looked terrified. "Woah, someone doesn't look happy-" she teased only to be cut off my her sister.

"They've found us."

That sentence alone made her stop in her tracks, a heavy silence falling upon the siblings.

"Well, not they..he, he as in klaus."

"Just to clarify, Klaus as in rah rah sacrifice, murder, doppelgängers klaus?" Katherine asked jokingly. It was a clear attempt to lighten the mood, one which was not much appreciated by her distraught sister. "No, the Klaus that lives down the street." Natalie drawled sarcastically, causing Katherine to lower her head, regretting trying to make a joke out of such a serious situation. "Yes that Klaus you dumbass!"


"I wish I knew, I've been asking myself that same question." Natalie groaned, "I mean, it makes no sense, we were so careful!"

Katherine shook her head slightly, flopping down onto the velvet armchair which sat opposite Natalie. "What happened? And I mean exactly, word for word.", she emphasised the last part of her sentence, it was vital that they figured out where they went wrong to avoid making the same mistake again.

Natalie explained everything, sparing no details. By the end of it Katherine had her head in her hands, a million thoughts running through her mind, the most prominent one being where the hell had they gone wrong? The question haunted her mind like a curse, repeating over and over again, taunting her, mocking her. It was degrading, humiliating. Centuries, they had spent centuries running from these people only for one measly phone call to come in and ruin it all. "So what happened after?" She asked.

"I chucked my phone in the lake then ran straight here." Natalie explained causing Katherine to snort before she stilled as though just realising something. "Wait, wait, how long ago was this?" she asked, her head slowly raising from in between her hands.

The younger girl looked a little bit sheepish as she wrung her hands together, "Maybe..three hours ago? Give or take." She responded.

"Three hours! Klaus has known where you are for three hours?!" Katherine asked incredulously, immediately leaving the room to pack.

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