Finding Magic in the Everyday ( 2024-09-12)

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Hello, my lovely Echoes!

How is your day going so far?

Mine has been quite lovely. I decided to take the morning off from school because I was very tired after staying up late cooking and cleaning the mess I was talking about yesterday. It felt great to sleep in until 9:30 AM. I spent some time on my phone before enjoying a delightful breakfast with my husband. It's been so long since we've had breakfast together, as I'm usually not a breakfast person. I usually just have some juice or a yogurt.

After breakfast, my husband drove me to school before heading to work for his afternoon shift.

I just received a facebook message from a friend of mine. well, she's more of an acquaintance, as her husband is my husband's friend. It sounds a bit confusing, but what matters is that she has a son who is very dear to my heart . She mentioned that he has been missing me and calling out for me recently. She asked if I'd be available in the coming days to have him over. I told her she could bring him by tomorrow since I have no work or school.

For some reason, kids have always been drawn to me—maybe it's because I still feel like a kid at heart. It's always such a joy to be around them.

Right now, I'm at my desk enjoying some caramel chocolate and juice while working on summarizing a 300-page book into 10 pages for an upcoming exam. I'm considering using ChatGPT—it's truly a lifesaver!

 I'm considering using ChatGPT—it's truly a lifesaver!

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The weather today is lovely. Everything is so green, and the sun is shining brightly. But this is Canada, so I'm sure the snow will come soon enough. Not that I'm complaining—I actually love the snow.

I am wearing a light pink knit shirt and blue jeans, I have my hair up in a ponytail and pink lipstick on

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I am wearing a light pink knit shirt and blue jeans, I have my hair up in a ponytail and pink lipstick on .

I am wearing a light pink knit shirt and blue jeans, I have my hair up in a ponytail and pink lipstick on

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Later today, I have work after school and will be heading home around 8 PM. I might whip up something quick for myself since my husband will be having dinner at work and won't be home until 9 PM.

Overall, today feels like one of those ordinary days that just seem to repeat themselves. But I like to think there's no such thing as a "typical" day.

Every day is what you make of it, and appreciating the little things can make everything feel magical. I've seen some YouTube videos on this topic, I think they call it "romanticizing your life." It's definitely worth checking out if you're interested in living a more exciting life.

Right now, the only person reading my diary is my sister. D, if you're reading this—thank you for being my first fan! I love you so much...

So that's it for now. Take care until we meet again!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12 ⏰

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