Pandora (11)

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I was still trying to process the fact that I saved the little girl from 5, where out of nowhere, she started crying. I liked to think that I was a pretty comforting person, even though due to my lack of friends I never got to practice this talent with many people. Back home, it was Ember who usually comforted me, but there were some rare occasions where the glue that held her up melted away, and she broke down. And with my mother barley being home and working all the time for food, Ember had basically me to raise. And she did everything she could, to get more money for us. Even some things that I was far too young to understand were happening for most of my life, but when I did, I felt sick to my stomach. They payed good though, so I wanted to start doing them too, so hopefully I could help more. But Ember wouldn't let me. I just wish I hadn't let her.

I kind of felt like my older sister as Pandora burst into tears and I gave her a hug. I suddenly felt very attached, which was crazy since I barley knew her. But saving somebody else's life can form a bond. One that in the hunger games, was fated to be destroyed. "Thank you." Pandora sniffled. "I didn't want to die from day one."

I noticed the arrow that got shot at her was caught in her long, blonde hair somehow. I took it out and gave it to her. "At least you got a weapon now.?" I smiled, trying to hide the worry inside me, for both me and her. She returned the smile and wiped her tears. "I was aiming for a backpack. Maybe with food or something. I wanted to just outlast the others. Or at least last as long as possible. I wasn't really thinking of playing offense." she murmured. She was right. How could she play anything other than defense? She's so thin, her bones would crack like a toothpick if you bent them. If she couldn't wield any long distance weapons, she was finished. Plus, she's from district five, which means she had few weapon experience. I knew Teak would be mad I picked Pandora up, but he'd have to suck it up. How could anyone let go of a little girl hugging you who's life you just saved? Not even he would be able to. I think. "I can play offense for you. No need to worry about that." I replied. Even though if we were the last two I couldn't.

"I never expected everyone to start killing so soon. I mean I did, but most people where friendly before we came in. Like that boy from twelve." Pandora commented "I thought they'd at least hesitate. Did you see him? That boy? Is he okay?"

My stomach turned as I heard that. He was one of the first to die. Was Pandora close to him? I really hoped not. I wanted to lie, but it was stupid, she would see him in the death toll. And I couldn't try and hide all the bad things that happened here. "Tinsel from district one killed him. Sorry." I answered quietly. I expected her to cry or get angry, but she didn't. She didn't really do anything. She just stared at the ground, her expression as blank as her voice when she said: "Oh."

We sat in silence. Did they become friends in the train or the training center? Did they become something more? Young love? Or was it more one-sided? Her regretting not confessing to him and realizing she never could now? I sighed. All of these emotion were too much. It would be so much easier to survive without them. You wouldn't feel a need to survive, but you'd be able to. 

Pandora finally stood up. "Should we keep moving?" she asked. No. The plan required me to be here to help Teak. Teak, shit. I had to talk to him. "Look-" I begun but Pandora cut me off with a small nod. "You agreed to an alliance with the boy from your district." she quietly said. I let out a small "Yeah" and she took a deep breath, but this time, I cut her off before she could say something. "I still want you to be as safe as possible. Remember, I'll play offense for you? I'll find you somewhere to hide, and just stay there, and don't get found." I assured her "If you need help call me and I'll come. Promise."  

"Darcie, right?" she asked. I nodded and she gave me another hug. "You'll come and check on me? Please?" she whimpered. 

I hesitated as that would be difficult with Teak. But he could owe me, right? For helping him out with the Careers. So I'd demand we come check if Pandora is okay. That could work. "Of course." I smiled. 

We walked, trying to find somewhere she could hide. She couldn't really climb trees, so I thought a cave would be good. As we searched for shelter, Pandora rambled about her life in district five. Her dad, her mom, her little sister, her older brother and how he always took her on the roof of their house to see the sunset. Her friends at school and her favorite teacher and how she loved doing math. How the kids in district five didn't have to work, since it was deemed to dangerous, but their parents did twice the work ours did. I mustered up the courage to ask about the boy from twelve and she smiled sadly. "He was really nice. His name was Birch. We became somewhat friends in training. Since he was the only one who's also twelve like me. I kind of liked him too. Too late now though." 

So I was right. She did like him. "How about district seven?" Pandora asked. I told her everything. About my sister, Molly, Mom, Teak. Working as a lumberjack. I left out the sad parts though, thinking she'd wouldn't want to hear any more sad things. I found her a cave and gave her some berries I deemed safe and had picked up along the way. I hugged her goodbye tightly before she entered the cave, and I started to cover the cave's entrance with leaves and bushes, to hide it. Since the opening was tiny it wasn't hard, and most tributes wouldn't be able to squeeze in, even I hadn't. Only real danger would maybe be Collic, since he's a career and he's really small, thirteen at most. 

I'd just have to hope.

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