Chapter 2

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Dylan was cuddled up against Jake when the alarm clock went off the next morning. Jake slammed down on the snooze button as a naked Dylan snuggled into his bare chest even more as she groaned. They were both covered in hickeys and Jake had the added bonus of multiple scratches on his back, not that he was complaining about it. They lost count of how many rounds they went before passing out for the night. They got 2, maybe 3 hours of sleep tops.

"As much as I would love to lay in bed with you all day, we have to get up and get ready so we can report to Top Gun." Jake says as he this hand up and down Dylan's back.

Dylan groans again. "I hate when you're right." She says before placing a kiss under his jaw and getting up.

"I'm always right." He says "But for once I wish I wasn't."

Jake got up out of bed as she walked into the bathroom. He started picking up the clothes all over the floor when he heard Dylan scolding him.

"Jake!" She scolds. "You covered me in hickeys!"

Jake walks into the bathroom and sees her standing in front of the mirror. "You weren't complaining when I was making them." He says with a smirk as he stands behind her and puts his hand on her hips. He bends down to gently kiss her shoulder before looking at her through the mirror.  "And you can't say anything." He adds pointing to his neck that has multiple hickeys on it. "It looks like I was attacked by some wild animal."

"Who says you weren't?" Dylan asks with a smirk.

Jake laughs as leans down to kiss her. "Come on, let's just get ready. We'll deal with the teasing when we get there. Besides it's not like I'm ashamed. My girl is damn sexy and I don't mind the marks to prove I'm yours nor do I mind the marks on you to show you're mine. It should keep others from trying to flirt with you."

"Doesn't the ring do that?"

"The hickeys help." Jake says with a shrug.

Dylan laughs before starting the shower.


Dylan was sitting next to Jake and Coyote was behind them with a teasing smile.

"Had fun last night I see. Did you get any sleep?" Coyote says teasingly. 

"Very little." Jake says with a smirk and Coyote laughs.

Dylan rolls her eyes. "We haven't seen each other in 7 months, sue us." Dylan says.

"Attention on deck!" Was called and everyone stood from there chairs at attention. 

Cyclone and Hondo were standing on the side of the hang-er as Warlock walked up to the podium.

"Morning. Welcome to your special training detachment. Be seated." Warlock says and everyone sits back down. "I'm admiral Bates, NAWDC commander. You're all top gun graduates. The elite. The best of the best." he says and most of the pilots smile or smirk. "That was yesterday." He continues making all the smirks drop. "The enemy's new fifth-generation fighter has leveled the playing field. Details are few, but you can be sure we no longer possess the technological advantage. Success, now more than ever, comes down to the man or woman in the box." Warlock says and Jake looks back at Phoenix with a smirk. She subtly flips him off so the admirals don't see. "Half of you will make the cut. One of you will be named mission leader. The other half will remain in reserve." Jake looks back at Bradley. "Your instructor is a top gun graduate with real-world experience in every mission aspect you will be expected to master. His exploits are legendary." Jake looks back at Maverick walking up and turns forward pinching the bridge of his nose realizing that it was the guy they threw out of the bar last night. "And he's considered to be one of the finest pilots this program has ever produced. What he has to teach you may very well mean the difference between life and death. I give you captain Pete Mitchell." He says and Dylan freezes, her face drains of color, and her hands clench into tight fists in her lap. Bradley looks ticked. "Call sign: 'Maverick'."

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