Fifteen | R E C O V E R Y

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I sat beside Rafe's hospital bed, my eyes fixed on his pale face as I held his hand gently. The beeping of the machines and the soft murmur of the hospital's air conditioner was calming, but my mind was racing with worry. I had been by Rafe's side since they allowed me back, praying that he would wake up and be okay.

I brush a strand of hair out of his face to see him fully. He looked weak. Not like the usual Rafe I was just with yesterday. It pains me to see him like this, so out his element but I know he will recover. He's strong.

After what felt like an eternity, Rafe's eyes fluttered open, and he gazed around the room disoriented. I tightened my grip on his hand, "Rafe, I'm right here." I whispered, my voice trembling with relief.

Rafe's eyes darted around the room, taking in the surroundings before finally landing on my face. A look of confusion gave way to recognition, and he attempted to sit up. I quickly pressed the button to raise the bed, helping him sit up more comfortably.

"What...what happened?" Rafe's voice was hoarse.

I took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "You overdosed, Rafe. You're lucky I found you in time." I paused, my eyes welling up with tears. "You scared me so much."

Rafe's gaze dropped, his eyes cloudy with shame and regret. I felt like crying all over again, but I knew I had to be strong for him.

Just then, my mom entered the room, "Good news, kids! The doctor says Rafe can be discharged. We can take him home now."

I helped Rafe out of bed, and we left the hospital together. We stopped by Rafe's place to grab some of his belongings, since his parents weren't there. Then, we headed to my mom's house, where Rafe would be staying for a while.

As we drove, I tried to make small talk, but Rafe's responses were terse. It wasn't until we arrived at the house and I showed him around that he began to relax.

"Wow, this is insane," Rafe said, gazing around at the estate. "Your mom's got some serious style."

I chuckled. "Yeah, she does. But I helped decorate the house too. Come on, let me show you my room."

As we entered my bedroom, Rafe's eyes widened, taking in the decor and colorful artwork I drew in highschool. My mom followed close behind, her expression stern.

"Okay, guys, some rules: no smoking, no parties, and no... you know what in the house. Capeesh?" she said.

"Geez Mom yes okay." I say, with wide eyes.

My mom continued, her expression turning more serious. "I also wanted to talk to you about something. I know I mentioned it before, but I'm serious about finding that cross with the shroud and I need your help to find it."

Rafe furrowed his brows, unaware of what we were talking about. I had been skeptical at first about this shroud, but now that I saw how serious my mom was, desperate to be healed, I believed her. Hell, I'd do anything just to see her walk on her own again.

"I'm in, Mom," I said, nodding.

She smiled, a look of relief on her face. "Good. We can work together on this. I'll leave you two alone for now. Get some rest, Rafe." She paused and looked at me, "Scarlett I need a word with you."

"Okay..." I step outside the room and she follows.

"I found out where the gold is. It's at Cranes house, the old lady I used to tell you stories about." She spoke in a whisper, "It's there."

"The creepy lady who killed her husband?" I furrowed my brows.

She nodded, "Yes. Well go there on Wednesday and check it out."

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