Twenty eight | C O N D I T I O N S

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I got up and looked outside of the window, the only thing in view were miles and miles of sea water. There was a breakfast plate left on one of the tables, along with Swiss chocolates next to it.

Wheezie came into the room. "Perfect, you're awake."

I practically jump out of the bed and latch my hands onto Wheezies shoulders. "What is... What is this? What's going on?"

"You're safe. I promise." She slowly moved my hands off of her. "Follow me."

"Where?" I asked, hesitantly following her into the hallway. "Tell me where I am."

"You are apart of the family still, and your mind is about to be blown." Was all she said as I walked with her into the room down the hall, Rafe was standing in the corner. I take a few steps back to distance myself further. As Wheezie shuts the door behind me I try to open it but it's locked from the outside. "No... No, no, no. Please!" I bang on the door.

"You're not alone." a familiar voice sounded from behind me. It was a puffy faced Sarah sitting in front of Ward.

I ran over to Sarah and gave her a hug. Then I turned to take another look, still not believing my eyes. "Ward?"

He nodded. "Yes. It's Ward. What I need you two to understand more than anything right now. Is that I never imagined that you guys would be there. I wanted to call you, Sarah, immediately to tell you that I was okay, to explain it all. It broke my heart that I couldn't, but I had to make sure Rafe and Scarlett got away."

I simply shook my head at him.

"Thank you, Dad. At least one of us is grateful." Rafe mouthed.

"That's psychopathic, both of you." Sarah said.

"I promised Rafe that he wouldn't go to prison for helping me. I had to make good on that promise. Scarlett, I understand that you didn't like how we handled the trial but I was the one pushing for John B to take the fall, not him. I'll take the blame for that."

"Not that you care." Rafe said indirectly to me.

"I was willing to leave everything behind for you!" I told him.

"It actually looked like you cared more about running off without me."

"I'm glad I did." I spat.

"Alright, guys." Ward said trying to stop the bickering. "I know you two are angry right now, rightfully so. The important thing is, it's behind us now. We're gonna live a new life. All of us. Where i'm taking you to is paradise. It's off this place called Guadalupe. Oh and by the way, good thing you two know French 'cause they speak french there." He slid the map to our new "home" to us.

Sarah pushed it away. "I want to call my friends, and I want to call my boyfriend. Can we atleast just tell them that we're okay?"

Rafe took a seat, pinching his nose.

"Yes, of course you can. As soon as we get there, you can call them. He knows you two are here right?"

"No, he doesn't." Sarah says.

"Yeah, he does." Ward corrected her.

"Dad. Let me talk to Scarlett." Rafe stood up. Ward nodded and allowed me to follow Rafe into the room I had woken up in.

"Hey. Look I know this is alot. But i'm going to explain-"

I slap him. "Don't!" I shove him away from me and take a seat on the bed. "Don't come near me."

"Okay, i'm sorry. I deserve that, I know. I'm so sorry. I didn't have a choice. I don't expect you to understand that because you haven't given me a chance to explain."

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