November Rain: Chapters 1-5

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Book One


Love is undeniable in my thoughts of you!

-Lost Dreams Poetry


The screams came from the dark, and Morgan sat up in her bed to find the room in a blinding glare of orange and red. The heat from the shadows closed in around her and she struggled to take a breath. The screams came again in the form of her name, and she swung her feet out of bed and raced to her mother's voice.

Morgan and Clair collided in the hallway that was filled with smoke and the gleam of the blazing outside sky.

"We have to go!" Clair said franticly as she pulled Morgan down the stairs.

Just as they approached the garage door, Morgan pulled from her mom's grasp and ran into her father's office and to the safe on the bookshelf and quickly typed in the combination. Inside was a black lock box and three journals that she grabbed and ran to meet her mother.

Once in the garage, Morgan jumped in the passenger seat of the jeep and turned as Clair opened the garage door, to see flames rise from the trees around their home. Morgan screamed for her mother to hurry as she reached over to crank the jeep. Clair grabbed the emergency pack off the shelf in the corner by the door and threw it in the back seat as she climbed in and reversed out of the garage.

Gravel flew as they raced around the driveway and onto the road to head down the mountain. Morgan grabbed the emergency cell phone from the glove box and powered it on.

"Why the hell didn't the sirens go off Mom?" Morgan asked as she typed out a message to the emergency line, letting them know their location, and then dialed 911.

"Shit, hang on!" Her mother shouted as she swerved to miss a tree that crashed down onto the road. "I don't know baby, just hold on."

The road curved and twisted around the mountain and Morgan saw through the night that the whole town below was already burning. To her right, flames roared out of the darkness and reached out like fingers from the forest onto the road. Morgan's window was hot to the touch, and she began to sweat.

"Mom, this is bad. It's too close." Morgan said as she hung up the phone that was nothing but busy signals.

"Grab your shoes from the bag and be ready to run if we have to." Clair demanded as she dodged every obstacle that was burning around them.

Out of the bag, Morgan grabbed her shoes and a pair of jeans that she slipped on over her sleeping shorts, and then tucked the lock box and journals into the pack. As she tied the laces on the second tennis shoe, there was a terrible crashing noise, and the jeep jolted hard to the right. Morgan's head slammed into her window causing it to shatter. Glass showered over her in slow motion and her mother's screams echoed as she faded into darkness.

Shattering Rain Series: Book One~ November RainWhere stories live. Discover now