November Rain: Chapters 5-10

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Chapter Six

Over the next week, Cassie took Morgan around the little suburb they lived in and showed her all the coffee shops. They went over all the switches and gadgets that were around the house so Morgan could finally figure out how to turn the stereo on instead of opening the garage door.

Sara took her shopping for new outfits to rock the school year with and insisted she take her to get her nails done. She even helped her figure out different hairstyles to help cover her scars.

Kelly decided to teach Morgan how to make every cocktail and mixed drink she could think of, and they became close friends. Kelly was easy to talk to and they laughed together and at one another a lot.

Kelly listened as Morgan explained how she got the scars on her face and chest. She hugged her when Morgan relived the tree falling on their jeep. Kelly assured her that she did everything she could, when Morgan cried because the firefighters that pulled her out of the flames were too late to save her mom.

Morgan's evenings were spent in the living room with the girls, talking, drinking wine, eating popcorn, and watching movies. Morgan felt more at home and cared for than she had in a long time.


The day came for the crazy hustle of the new school year, and Morgan found herself desperately searching for Kelly after her first class.

"Morgan!" Seth called as he jumped past a couple in the hall and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh, thank goodness! Seth, I am so lost."

Seth laughed and walked with her down the hall. "The first couple days are the worst babe. Did Ty ever tell you how we met?"

Morgan shook her head and Seth chuckled.

"Well, my first day, I got lost and ended up locked in a janitorial closet. Don't ask me how, I have no idea. But Tyler heard me cussing up a storm and banging on the door. So, after laughing at me for a good minute, he talked to me through the door and calmed me down. The whole time he was picking the lock, and he got me out."

Morgan huffed. "I did not know he still did that. He used to pick my diary lock when they would visit. I used to get so mad at him. I am glad it was finally useful for something good." She laughed and took Seth's arm as he led her to her next class.

"Physiology? Dang girl, you're jumping in there." Seth said with enthusiasm and bumped her shoulder.

"Well, I really want to be a Paramedic." She said with a returned shoulder bump. "I already took some anatomy courses while I was in high school, so this shouldn't be too bad... I hope."

"Well good luck, I hear Mr. Madison is an ass." Seth laughed as he left Morgan at the door and ran off to catch up with a group of guys.

The classroom was one of those that had tiered seats that quarter circled a pit where the professor stood. There were more than thirty people in the room that turned to look at her when the door closed loudly. Morgan bashfully lowered her head and quickly walked up the middle aisle to the third row from the back. She slipped into a seat and removed her notebook and pen from her bag. Then the lights dimmed, and a projection screen lit up.

While Morgan began to take notes, a broad-shouldered guy quietly slipped into the seat next to her. She didn't look at him but tried to focus on the professor.

A moment later, a deep voice whispered close to her ear. "Do you always make a room freeze when you enter it?"

Morgan jumped a little but turned to see Blake next to her. "Shit, you scared me."

Shattering Rain Series: Book One~ November RainWhere stories live. Discover now