Year Three: The Prisoner of Azkaban pt 2

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*I wake up after having a bit of a rough sleep since I kept having the same nightmares as before. I washed my face and got dressed. I was reading a newspaper in the hallway after leaving my room. Just then the housekeeper lady walked up to a door and knocked.*

Lady: HouseKeeping.

*The door opened and inside, came a bright light and a roar. The door closed.*

Lady: I'll come back later.

*She left and came out to the room next to Alexa's was Harry.*

Jason: Sleep well?

Harry: Yeah. You?

Jason: Not great.

Harry: Nightmares again?

*I nodded. Just then a squeak and two yowls came across and passed us. I knew the rat, the black cat, and Crookshanks too.*

Jason: Something tells me we're not alone anymore.

*I say with a smile. Harry and I walked over to the dining area and heard arguing.*

Ron: I'm warning you, Hermione. You and Alexa keep those bloody beasts of yours away from Scabbers, or I'll turn them into tea cozies!

Alexa: They're cats, Ron. It's in their nature to chase small creatures like Scabbers.

Ron: Cats? Is that what they told you two? They look like pigs with hair on them.

Hermione: That's rich, coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. Crookshanks, just ignore the mean little boy.

Jason: Hey you two. Did we miss something?

*Ron looked up with a smile on his face to see me and Harry.*

Ron: Harry! Jason!

*Hermione turned around, with a brighter smile to see me.*

Hermione: Harry. Jason.

*I smiled back.*

Jason: Beautiful cat, Hermione. I uh...*Ahem.* I wonder where you got it?

*Hermione just rolled her eyes and laughed.*

Hermione: Gee, I wonder. Thank you, by the way. He's beautiful.

Jason: You're welcome, Hermione.

*Harry and I joined them at the table. Ron told us all about his trip to Egypt. I've never been so I had no idea how to picture it.*

Harry: Egypt? No way.

Ron: Yeah.

Alexa: What was it like?

Ron: Brilliant. Loads of old stuff like mummies, and tombs. Even Scabbers enjoyed himself.

Hermione: You know the Egyptians used to worship cats?

Ron: Yeah, along with the dung beetle.

*Just then his two brothers, Fred and George came around to take the paper away from him.*

Fred: Not flashing the clipping again, are you Ron?

Ron: I haven't shown anyone.

George: No, not a soul.

Fred: Not unless you count Tom.

George: The day maid.

Fred: Night maid.

George: Cook.

Fred: The bloke who fixed the toilet.

Alexa: I think Ron got the idea, you two.

Jason Kyler: The Wolverine of HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now