A Breath Away

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This chapter is a little different... it switches between you and Natasha. I hope it's interesting! Let me know in the comments!


The sun barely filters through your blinds, casting thin, golden lines across your room. But despite the promise of a new day, your mind is stuck in yesterday. The kiss. The moment you crossed that line with Natasha. It replays in your head over and over again the way her lips felt against yours, the force behind it, the sheer desperation in the way she held you. Your lips still tingle from where she kissed you, and no matter how many times you try to brush it off, you can't.

You didn't sleep. How could you? All you could think about was her. Every time you closed your eyes, it was like she was there, the memory of her kiss overwhelming, suffocating in the most intoxicating way. You stare at the ceiling, wondering how you're going to face her again.

How are you supposed to sit through class today, pretend everything's normal, when your mind is racing like this? Every thought, every breath is filled with her, the feel of her lips, the sound of her voice, the way her body trembled against yours.

You have no idea who I am.

Those words echo in your mind. You thought you knew her. But there's so much more beneath the surface, something darker, more dangerous. And the worst part? You don't care. All you want is her every part of her, even the parts she's so afraid to show you.

Your phone buzzes, but it's not from her. You check anyway, heart sinking when there's no message, no sign she's even thinking about you. It's been silence since you left her office, and it's driving you crazy. Is she regretting it? Did you push her too far?

With a frustrated sigh, you drag yourself out of bed, the day already heavy on your shoulders. The world moves forward, but you feel stuck, trapped in the memory of her, of the moment that changed everything.


Her hands are trembling.

It's been hours since you kissed her yesterday, since you walked out of her class, but her hands won't stop shaking. Natasha stares down at her fingers as they rest on the papers scattered across her desk, trying to make sense of it—of you, of everything. She's Natasha Romanoff. The Black Widow. She's faced death more times than she can count, she's fought enemies ten times her size without flinching. So why does a simple kiss a kiss she started have her unraveling like this?

Her breath catches as she remembers the way your body felt against hers, the way you gasped into her mouth, the way her heart raced faster than it ever had in any battle. It terrifies her. She's never felt this out of control before, never felt so...vulnerable.

She swallows hard, leaning back in her chair and rubbing a hand over her face, trying to calm the storm inside her chest. But it's no use. You're all she can think about. Every time she closes her eyes, she sees your face, feels the softness of your lips, hears the way you whispered her name like she was your world.

You don't know who I am.

She said those words like a warning, and she meant them. If you really knew her what she's done, what she's capable of you wouldn't want her. You'd run. But you didn't. You stayed. You kissed her back. And that terrifies her more than anything.

Natasha clenches her fists, trying to focus, trying to regain the control she's always prided herself on. But the truth is, you've already broken through every defense she's built. She's losing herself, and you're the reason why.

She glances at the clock on her desk, realizing that she's running out of time. Class starts soon, and you'll be there. The thought makes her heart stutter, a mixture of fear and something far more dangerous. How is she supposed to stand in front of you, teach, pretend nothing happened, when you've consumed her every thought?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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