Chapter 1: The Proposition

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The subtle glow of the fireplace cast flickering shadows across the room, its warmth contrasting with the sudden chill Andrea felt as she sat on the edge of the sleek leather couch. The evening had started like so many others — a quiet dinner, a few glasses of wine, and soft conversation about the day's work. But tonight, there was an undercurrent to Miranda's demeanor, a tension that Andrea had sensed but couldn't quite place. Now, sitting in their carefully curated home, the weight of Miranda's silence had become suffocating.

Andrea hadn't expected Miranda to bring up the conversation again, especially not like this. It had all started as casual banter over dinner a few weeks ago, when Andrea had mentioned Emily and Serena's new relationship dynamic — a shift that had taken Andrea by surprise, but in the world they lived in, wasn't entirely unheard of.

"Emily told me poly is the new thing," Andrea had said, her tone light, dismissing the topic as something fleeting. "Apparently, it's all over the junior division of her magazine. Something about keeping things fresh, exciting. You know how trends are."

Miranda had barely reacted at the time, only offering a faint hum of acknowledgment as she sipped her wine. It hadn't seemed like a big deal. But now, Andrea realized, Miranda had been thinking about it. A lot more than she'd let on.

Miranda sat across from her now, the cool glass of her wine resting against her fingers, but her attention was entirely fixed on Andrea. There was something unreadable in her eyes — a familiar intensity, but with an edge Andrea hadn't seen in a while.

"I've been thinking," Miranda began, her voice smooth, deliberate. "About what you said. About Emily and Serena."

Andrea's brow furrowed slightly, caught off guard by the sudden shift in conversation. She hadn't thought much about it since that night. Sure, she still spoke to Emily and Serena regularly — they had remained close after all their professional ties had shifted. But she hadn't expected Miranda to latch onto that particular topic.

"About them opening up their relationship?" Andrea asked, trying to keep her tone neutral, though her pulse quickened. This felt more serious than a passing comment.

Miranda nodded, her eyes still locked on Andrea's, unblinking. "It's not just them, Andrea. It's a trend, one that's taking hold more than you might realize."

Andrea hesitated, sensing there was something more behind Miranda's words. "Are you... are you saying you think we should do the same?"

The faintest curve of a smile touched Miranda's lips, though it didn't reach her eyes. "I think it's something worth considering."

Andrea's stomach flipped. She hadn't been expecting this — not now, not ever, really. She had mentioned it in passing, sure, but she hadn't thought Miranda would take it seriously. She certainly hadn't considered the idea for their relationship.

"I don't... I didn't say I wanted that," Andrea said carefully, choosing her words with caution as she watched Miranda's expression for any sign of what she was truly thinking.

"No, you didn't," Miranda replied calmly. "But you haven't stopped thinking about it, have you?"

Andrea opened her mouth to protest but stopped herself. Had she been thinking about it? Maybe, on some subconscious level, the idea had lingered — Emily and Serena seemed happy enough, and there had been talk among her peers about how polyamory was "the new thing" in certain circles. But she hadn't really considered it for her and Miranda.

"Miranda, that's—" Andrea began, but Miranda cut her off with a gentle wave of her hand.

"You're young, Andrea," Miranda said softly, leaning forward slightly, her gaze never wavering. "You're vibrant. I see how you interact with your friends. With Emily, with Serena. And I know you. I know that part of you wonders if there's something more... something that could keep us from falling into routine."

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