Chapter 3: The Dinner

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The restaurant Miranda had chosen was everything Andrea had expected: elegant, understated, and exclusive. The kind of place where the lighting was soft, the waitstaff invisible until they were needed, and every detail was perfectly curated. Andrea had always admired Miranda's taste, even if it could be a little intimidating in situations like this. Tonight, though, the subtle tension in the air wasn't from the surroundings, but from the company.

Seated across from her were Emily and Serena, both looking perfectly composed. Emily's sharp features were softened by a rare smile as she sipped her wine, while Serena, with her natural grace, leaned back slightly in her chair, her eyes flicking between Miranda and Andrea with quiet curiosity. Miranda, of course, sat at the head of the table, effortlessly in control, as always. They had already finished their food. All that was left was the reason they were here, to talk.

Andrea had agreed to this — to the arrangement, to opening up their relationship. But now, sitting here with all four of them, she couldn't shake the nervous energy humming beneath her skin. This was real. No longer just a conversation between her and Miranda, no longer an abstract idea. The four of them were here, about to embark on something new and intimate, and Andrea had questions.

Questions she wasn't entirely sure how to voice.

Miranda, as if sensing her internal struggle, placed a hand on Andrea's thigh under the table, her touch light but grounding. It was a subtle reminder: You're not alone in this. Andrea gave a small smile in response, though her heart was still racing.

"I'm glad we could all meet," Miranda said smoothly, her eyes sweeping over the table. "It's important that we... clarify a few things before moving forward."

Serena gave a small nod, her expression calm. "Of course. We want to make sure everyone's comfortable with everything."

Emily, ever the professional, straightened slightly in her chair. "Yes, transparency is key."

Andrea cleared her throat softly, feeling the weight of their attention turn toward her. This was it. The moment to ask what had been swirling in her mind since the agreement.

"I... I have a few questions," Andrea began, her voice steady but softer than usual. "I mean, I've agreed to this, but I just want to make sure I understand what we're all expecting here."

Serena tilted her head slightly, her lips curving into a reassuring smile. "Go ahead, Andrea. It's important we're all on the same page."

Andrea took a breath, glancing briefly at Miranda, who gave her a slight nod of encouragement. "Okay. So, this... arrangement," she began, her words careful, "what exactly are the boundaries? I mean, are we talking about something casual, or is this more of an ongoing thing?"

Emily and Serena exchanged a quick glance, and it was Emily who spoke first. "We've been talking about it as something... ongoing," she said, her tone matter-of-fact. "But that doesn't mean we can't adjust if needed."

Serena chimed in, her voice softer. "We want everyone to feel comfortable. It doesn't have to be rigid. It's more about what feels right as we go."

Andrea nodded slowly, processing their responses. "Right, but... what about outside of this? I mean, are we only seeing each other, or...?"

She trailed off, unsure how to phrase the rest of her question without sounding too uncertain. She hadn't exactly been in a situation like this before — navigating something that wasn't just between two people but four.

Miranda, ever the master of clarity, stepped in smoothly. "This arrangement is exclusive, Andrea. There won't be any involvement with others outside of this group."

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