stats boost huh

5 0 0

Kazuki moved swiftly across the battlefield, weaving through the remnants of the clash and heading towards Mikey. His mind was already analyzing the next steps. The immediate threat of the Black Dragons had been mitigated, but the deeper issues remained unresolved.

Mikey was surrounded by his loyal Toman members, his presence commanding attention and respect. Kazuki approached him, his thoughts still processing the battle’s aftermath.

“Mikey,” Kazuki called out, drawing the leader’s gaze. “We’ve stabilized the front line for now. But we need to understand what Hanma’s real plan is.”

Mikey nodded, his expression serious. “I’ve seen Hanma giving orders from the sidelines. It’s clear he’s orchestrating more than just a simple fight.”

Kazuki agreed. “And we need to be ready for whatever comes next. We’ve bought ourselves some time, but the bigger picture is still unclear.”

As they spoke, Kazuki’s device buzzed again, alerting him to a new update. He glanced at it, noting that his recent victory had not only granted him new skills and stat boosts but had also affected his system's readout. He decided to take a final check of his stats to assess his current condition after the rewards were applied:

**Kazuki Hanagaki**

**Vitality: 106.8** 
**Endurance: 104.1** 

**Dexterity: 98.2** 
**Intelligence: 161.5** 

**Observe: LvMAX** 
**Kazuki Arts: Lv24** 
**Battle Command: Lv14** 
**Tactical Mastery: Lv1**

The improvements were significant. His Vitality and Endurance had seen substantial increases, boosting his survivability and stamina. His Dexterity had improved, enhancing his agility and combat effectiveness. The boost in Intelligence would aid his strategic planning, and the upgraded skills promised a more refined approach to both combat and leadership.

Kazuki felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had more tools at his disposal, and with “Tactical Mastery” now unlocked, his ability to devise and execute complex strategies was set to improve dramatically.

The battlefield was calming, but the war was far from over. With his enhanced stats and newfound skills, Kazuki prepared himself for the challenges ahead. He knew that understanding Hanma’s full scheme would be key to navigating the coming conflicts. But for now, Kazuki was ready to regroup and reinforce his allies, knowing that the fight for the future of Tokyo was far from finished.

As the battlefield settled, Kazuki began coordinating with his team, ensuring that the Toman members were tended to and any injured were given immediate attention. The victory over Tiaju and the disruption caused by Mikey’s appearance had given Toman a much-needed boost, but Kazuki knew the danger was far from over.

Kazuki approached Takemichi, who was surveying the area with a mix of relief and anxiety. “Takemichi, we need to regroup and strategize. Hanma’s plan is still unclear, and there’s a good chance he’s already preparing his next move.”

Takemichi nodded, visibly exhausted but resolute. “Understood. We should also consider our allies. We’ve lost some ground and need to ensure that the reinforcements we’ve been promised are on their way.”

Kazuki agreed and quickly tapped into his device to check on the status of the reinforcements and to send updates to their allies. The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity as Kazuki and his team worked to secure their position, reinforce their defenses, and gather as much intelligence as possible about Hanma’s plans.

Meanwhile, Kazuki couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was off. Despite their victory, the Black Dragons' retreat seemed oddly coordinated, as if Hanma had anticipated their actions and was playing a larger game. Kazuki reviewed the recent battle data and analyzed the patterns of Hanma’s forces, searching for any clues that might reveal the true extent of the conspiracy.

The night fell, and the camp was set up for Toman to regroup and strategize. Kazuki found a quiet corner and took a moment to reflect on the events of the day. He accessed his device again, this time not just to check his stats, but to assess his new skill, “Tactical Mastery,” and how it might enhance his strategic capabilities.

**Tactical Mastery: Lv1** 
**Description:** Increases the effectiveness of strategic planning and decision-making during battles. Provides enhanced ability to foresee enemy movements and adapt tactics in real-time.

Kazuki tested the new skill mentally, running simulations of various battle scenarios in his mind. He found that “Tactical Mastery” allowed him to visualize and adjust his strategies with greater precision, a valuable asset in anticipating Hanma’s next move.

The night wore on, and Kazuki knew that tomorrow would bring new challenges. As he prepared for rest, he took one final look at his updated stats:

**Kazuki Hanagaki**

**Vitality: 106.8** 
**Endurance: 104.1** 

**Dexterity: 98.2** 
**Intelligence: 161.5** 

**Observe: LvMAX** 
**Kazuki Arts: Lv24** 
**Battle Command: Lv14** 
**Tactical Mastery: Lv1**

The numbers were reassuring, but Kazuki knew that raw stats alone wouldn’t win the war. He had to leverage his enhanced abilities, stay vigilant, and maintain his focus on the broader objective: uncovering Hanma’s ultimate plan and securing Toman’s future.

As he closed his eyes for the night, Kazuki’s thoughts were a mix of determination and strategy. He had gained new strength and insight, but the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty. With the dawn, the real battle for Tokyo’s future would continue, and Kazuki was prepared to face it head-on.

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