scenario 30

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@pseudocopulation I'm dedicating this to you bestie 🌸

It's been 16 hours and Gemini hasn't woken up yet. Fourth was sitting near his bed, on a chair. He was sleepy but he couldn't sleep.

He was still feeling guilty, and to see Gemini's head wrapped in that white bandages with a patch of yellow, where his head was hit, wasn't helping him much.

So he was just monitoring Gemini. An hour again passed by, and Fourth fell asleep this time. He leaned his head on the little space on Gemini's bed.

He unconsciously had caught Gemini's hand in his.

After a half hour, Gemini finally woke up. The first thing he saw when he opened his eyes, was a bright light coming from the light blue-ish Colored room, where he was kept now.

He then experienced a sharp pain in the right side of his head, he hissed from the pain, and Fourth woke up being startled. He looked at Gemini and they made eye contact after so long.

Fourth was getting emotional again and Gemini was just staring at him, he has forgotten his pain.

"Y-you, y-you're awake? " Fourth whispered, a stray tear rolled down from his right eye. " I'll fetch the doctors. " He said,  and ran out of the room, which gave some time  to Gemini to figure what he should do now.

He thought about what Roberts has informed him, before he got in an accident. He was still perplexed about everything.

His thoughts were inturpted as two doctors and some nurses came in the room, but his eyes were searching for a familiar face.

"Hello, Sir Gemini. " the doctor greeted Gemini, but he didn't greeted him back, infact he didn't showed any emotion, he was just laying there, ignoring all the people in the room.

"How are you feeling right now?" A doctor asked him, politely. When the doctor didn't got any answers, he checked on Gemini's vitals and then he checked the files he was holding with him.

"Khun Gemini. We'll be able to discharge you from this hospital after some check ups. But we need you to cooperate, sir." The same doctor said, and for some reason Gemini didn't like this doctor.

"Whatever. "Gemini muttered. He was getting frustrated.

"Sure, sir." The doctor seemed to be sarcastic. Gemini glared at him, and then fourth came with a bottle of water in his hand.

"Uh, is everything alright ,doctor ?" He asked the doctor nervously, all the eyes focused on him.

He avoided every eye contact possible.

"Oh, yes. Everything's alright. Yoir friend is ready for a discharge but, he's not cooperating. If you please ask him -"

"Why does he need to ask me to do it? Don't you guys have asked me that already? Just do whatever the hell you guys need to do and be done with it. I don't wanna stay here any longer. " Gemini said, he's face showing how much angry he was..

Fourth's eyes widened, he looked at Gemini then at that doctor, who just adjusted his glasses with his middle finger, indicating something else. Fourth again landed his eyes on Gemini, who wasn't done glaring at that doctor.

"Doctor, please, let it be. He's just woken up, maybe that's why he's behaving like this. He's not like this, I promise. " Fourth said, handling the cold war in the room.

"Uh, huh? Wanna test that?" The doctor smirked, raising his eyebrows at fourth, who's cheeks were red now, "Doesn't seem like that, Does it? " the doctor said, now eyeing  Gemini. And Gemini was giving him equal competition to glaring daggers.

The doctor was now checking his vitals again.

"Your vitals are perfect to perform the check ups now, would you like to cooperate now, sir?" The doctor was getting on Gemini's skin , Gemini closed his eyes and sighed. He opened his eyes and looked at fourth, who was standing right in front of him, clueless.

Gemini turned his eyes to the doctor, and said yes. They all started to prepare for the check ups, and send fourth outside to wait for them.

Fourth went outside and took a sit, he had gotten calls from everyone when Gemini was still unconscious.

Ohm was urging him to eat something, where is he himself hasn't eaten anything since Gemini's case has arrived to him, Kian was taking updates from fourth time to time. But no phone calls from Ryan. He didn't expected any from him, but deep down , maybe he did.

Fourth sighed, as he texted ohm ,that he had ate some of the food, that he has sent by Shane's hand.

The door opened, and the doctors came out. Gemini was on the wheelchair now. He was still looking frustrated ss before . His hands were on his lap, a nurse was pushing his wheel chair. Fourth stood up, putting his phone back in his pockets.

"Khun fourth, right?" The doctor read from a file in his hand. "Khub." Fourth answered. He has requested you as his caretaker, are you okay with that?" Fourth blinked twice at the doctor, after hearing the question, and then turned to look at Gemini, who was fumbling with his fingers, and looking at him for an answer.

Fourth looked back at the doctor, "Khub." Fourth answered again, giving the doctor a tight lipped smile.

"Okay, you need to go with one of our nurse, she'll make you understand the medication for ,Khun Gemini. " the doctor said, and Fourth did as he was told.

"And Khun Gemini, you're head is stitched, you can't wet that area, and can't eat certain things, Mr Fourth will be informed about it. Also you'll come and visit us after one week, to examine your wound. Alright?" The doctor was satisfied after gaining a mere nod from Gemini.

After some minutes fourth came back , still discussing things with the nurse.

"Is everything alright, nong gift?" The doctor asked the nurse, who smiled at him and said yes.

"You guys are ready to go, Khun fourth please sign this." The doctor offers some papers to fourth to sign, and after the signature, they were free to leave.

Fourth pushed Gemini's wheelchair carefully, avoiding any kind of bumps.

And Gemini couldn't help but to sigh, they were told to go from the backdoor of the hospital as per what police has told the staff of the hospital.

Police has suspected that the media might be outside even at 4 in the morning. And Police didn't wanted Gemini to face any kind of trouble.

They came outside and then waited for jet. Gemini has called him, with Fourth's phone. And jet was eager to help Gemini.

Soon jet was there with his car, fourth and jet helped Gemini to settle in the car, leaving the wheelchair behind.

They also sat in the car, and jet dropped them off to Gemini's place.


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