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Shut eyelids that hid dark blue eyes suddenly fluttered open, immediately squinting at the sudden brightness of the room. The sunlight filtered in without restraint from outside through a window across the room with the curtains pulled to the side. It was not a large room, nor was it fancy, but it certainly was enough for the owner, who rubbed his dark blue eyes and pulled himself onto his elbows. Norway's blonde hair fell into place immediately, yet he still ran a hand through it and combed out any sign of knots or tangles. Once he had accomplished this task he reached over and grabbed his signature hair clip, the gold cross, and slipped it into the section of hair that fell on the left side of his face. As he swung his legs out from under the covers, he groaned as he found the crick in his back from sleep. He stretched this crick out and hoped it would be better later.

As he walked down the hallway he briefly peered into his housemate's rooms, noticing that the other two were still asleep, and conducting his morning routine in the restroom. As he brushed his teeth, he stared at his reflection and straightened his nightshirt. It was not so much a thought of self-awareness as it was a habit; after all, his nightshirt was a simple white t-shirt with baggy, grey sweatpants. As he rinsed his mouth, a bit of water splashed up and landed on his thigh, but he merely shrugged and moved on to the kitchen, where he began making coffee and put a piece of bread in the toaster. Soon, the toast was thoroughly buttered and a mug of coffee was steaming directly next to it.

Norway was enjoying the peace and solitude of the morning while it lasted, slowly sipping at his coffee as it hit the temperature when it became most delicious and savory. He finished his toast quickly and put another piece into the toaster. Norway continued sipping at his coffee as he walked to the front door, retrieving that day's newspaper and bringing it back to the kitchen just in time for the bread to have been completely toasted.

It was at this time that his little brother, Iceland, came out. Iceland, clad in his long-sleeved nightshirt and tattered yoga pants, shuffled into the kitchen and plopped himself in his usual chair. Norway set a plate in front of him and soon there was a small pile of toast occupying the space atop the plate and a mug of coffee next to it. A mumbled "morning," came from Iceland and Norway nodded his head in response.

Naturally, with the smell of coffee and noise of toast being made, Denmark came stumbling in ten minutes after Iceland. Dressed in a halfway buttoned up shirt, and only underwear for pants, Denmark slouched into his seat. Norway rolled his eyes, grabbing some Advil and putting them next to Denmark's mug. Norway grabbed a chunk of Denmark's hair and forced Denmark's eyes to meet his, saying slowly and clearly, "You really have to stop coming home drunk at two in the morning." Norway then released Denmark's hair and ruffled it back into place. Denmark nodded, having had the lecture many times before, and eagerly took the Advil that had been left for him.

Norway, seeing that everyone had been given breakfast, left to change for the day. Given that it was a day off for all three of them, Norway pulled on a light sweater and jeans, given that it was cooler outside he put a long-sleeved button up shirt on underneath the sweater. Norway had no other plans for the day than relaxing and enjoying time with Denmark and Iceland, and for once he knew that that was all they had planned this as well. He grabbed at least five blankets and dragged them out to the living room to their couch. Norway rolled into one of the blankets, enjoying the warmth that came from the soft fabric. The fibers tickled his nose as he buried his face into the blanket, but he smiled to himself at this luxury. Denmark came out to join Norway shortly afterwards, dressed in a simple shirt and yoga pants. He rubbed his eyes as he sat down next to Norway.

"What's got you so peppy this morning?" He asked Norway, noting the multiple blankets. Norway shrugged and threw one on top of Denmark, who promptly curled up in it and sat directly next to Norway. Denmark leaned over and pressed a small, tiny kiss to Norway's cheek. "I didn't get to say good morning earlier, so I'll say it now." He hesitated as he pulled away, placing another quick peck on Norway's cheek before returning to his upright position. As Denmark looked in his peripherals he noticed a very small change of color in Norway's face, the hint of red that appeared on the top of Norway's cheeks. Other than that, there was no sign of any emotion. Therefore, it was quite the surprise when Norway leaned over and returned the kiss to Denmark's cheek, whispering "morning," into Denmark's ear.

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