Chapter 11: The Kitten and the Fight to the finish

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REMINDER! Q&A is coming up! Ask questions for Koneko, Itsuo, Takara, Toshiyuki, and ME! All questions will be answered at the end of this first book. Ask anything! I only have one question and this is the last chapter until I post the Q&A.  I have to add my own questions from some of your comments.

I'm making a Dangan Ronpa fanfic with a male main character so that's cool. I tend to make male ocs now because..yeah Yaoi FTW.

High School is pretty cool too. I made a lot of new friends that like anime. Of course, I hate my math class and absolutely love my World History and Geo class so thats a plus. English class is my favorite, because my teacher is so relatable. Though it's really fucking stressful. I have a Spanish Quiz every Tuesday and Thursday...

Word Count: 4539 (Longest chapter)


It was the final training session for Itachi and Koneko until the final round, and Chakra release was nowhere close to being mastered.

Koneko was jumping tree to tree as chakra was being absorbed into her feet, it was weighing her down. Itachi and Koneko found out in the beginning of training that Koneko's body worked like a sponge to chakra. Chakra gets absorbed, and then used easily. But like a sponge, she can't take more than she can handle. It begins making her body feel weighed, and until she can use a jutsu or some way to exert the extra chakra..well, they haven't found out yet.

Itachi noticed Koneko slowing down and her expression turning irritated, "Koneko, don't let  your surroundings defy you!" he instructed, calling up into the trees.

Koneko sighed, and clenched her fist. She was trying her hardest, the weight on her feet was annoying. Too much chakra was annoying.

She was stopped suddenly as Itachi grabbed her mid jump, "Wh-what are you doing!? Let me go!" she ordered, struggling from Itachi's grip.

Itachi set her down on the forest floor, " Open your hand." he said, grabbing Koneko's clenched fists.

Koneko stopped talking, then slowly unraveled ((Oshiete Oshiete yo)) her fist, revealing a small electric blue stone. 'How did that get their?' Koneko pondered, picking up the stone between her fingers.

"Your hands compressed the extra chakra you had. That's what happens when you have to much chakra. It turns into a physical form." Itachi observed. Then, the chakra stone turned liquid, spilling on Koneko's hands.

"This is the liquid chakra Itsuo was talking about..It's gorgeous." Koneko awed.

Itachi stood up and pulled out a sword handle and knifes, both with holes at the top , "Our final lesson, chakra weapons."


"So...Koko-chan. I heard that you were fighting in the final round of the Chunin Exams. Who are you going against? Hmm...?" Toshiyuki asked, while walking with Koneko hand in hand. No, they weren't dating or whatever. Can't friends hold hands? Especially if one of them have a mind of a 5 year old?

Koneko nodded, "Mhm. Apparently she's from the same clan of the guy you met a couple days ago, you know, Itsuo?" she said, turning her head to the male.

His expression turned flustered and his face turned into a deep red, "Y-Yeah....the guy who's eye I called pretty. I remember."

Koneko raised her eyebrow, he's still blushing over calling Itsuo's eye pretty? Well, she wouldn't blame him. Itsuo's eye was pretty. Electric blue like her's, but it wasn't as vibrant. Maybe it was more on the turquoise side of the color wheel. Though, she wonders what happened to his right eye.

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