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Farãella and Lex's day in the sun was slowly coming to an end. Lex had taken Fara to Paris for lunch as a surprise. There they talked and walked around the city simply exploring. He took her to go see the famous Eiffel Tower as their last stop, before flying back to Smallville.~

"Honestly Lex, you don't have to do that." I protest as Lex opens my door to the car. He wasn't driving of course, he has his own blacked out car and driver that takes him anywhere he wants to go to top it all off.

"What's a day in Paris without going to watch the sunset at the Eiffel Tower?" He responds cheerfully. I giggle happily and duck my head to position myself into the car.

"So you've never been to Paris?" Lex asked almost astonished once were settled in and on the road towards the Eiffel Tower. Which could easily be seen from the restaurant we just left, which resembled a high rise.

I shook my head, "No, not til now. I've visited New York, Atlanta, Spring Breaked in Miami, and I have family in Toronto, but nowhere else."

I could see him smiling in my peripheral."I'm impressed. It's good that you're not just... earth bound to Smallville and Metropolis. You know how to move around." He says. I nodded in agreement. "Of course. I love traveling and adventure and one day I'll do all the traveling that I want, but there's a lot of... decisions that I need to make right now. Smallville is my home, I don't plan on leaving it just yet." I reply proudly.

Lex analyzes me intensely and I almost feel nervous?... Under his gaze. As he goes to say something the driver stops the car and cuts him off. "We've arrived sir." He says after rolling the window in the Center of the car down, much like a cab. Lex gets out of the car, fixes his suit jacket, turns to me with a smile, and extends his palm.

"Coming?" I grin and take his hand without hesitation, allowing him to help me out. I gasp softly at the sight of the.... "Increíble." I whisper in Spanish to myself, but Lex still hears me.

We walk closer and closer and I can't stop gazing at the damn thing. Theres tons of people and tourist walking around, kissing, taking pictures with the attribute of the firey skys and the mystic clouds. You could decipher the tourist from the natives that grew up here by they way they reacted to the amazing sight in front of them. Most were taking pictures, others walked right pass like it was a normal Tuesday.

"It's so beautiful..." I say softly in Complete awe. "I've seen better." Lex says simply, while still looking forward. Then, I can see his gave turn to me from the corner of my eye.

"Like you." He finishes. My eyes slightly widen at his sudden statement. Our eyes meet and instantly I'm mesmerized by him yet again. What is it about him? Why is it that every time I blink his face flashes through my mind? But the first person I think about in the morning and the last person I think about at night is Oliver? Oliver's voice popped up into my mind all day today. Both of them have corrupted my   brain in so many ways.

It's like they're controlling me...

It's not like I'm in love with L-... Oh god. What if I am? No, haha no. I am Not in love with "The Alexander Joseph Luthor jr." Right?

Even if I wasn't clear of my "feelings" for Lex now, one things for certain... I was definitely in love with Oliver Queen. Now all I had to do was tell him.

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