Part 4: ...

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I ended up getting through Miss Laur's class without her asking me questions. I'm very relieved....I got up from my desk and picked my books up for the next class... It was my last class of the day...'s with Mrs Steel.. I think she's called Mrs Steel because she's as cold as steel and won't let anything go...I walk into the classroom and sit down where I usually would... Mrs Steel stands in front of me.
Mrs Steel: You're early.
I speak quietly
Leo: I just...came from Miss Laur's class... I didn't need to stop at my locker...
Mrs Steel: Fine. Whatever.
She went to stand at the front.
I sigh, putting my books on my desk. I know something happened to Oscar. I can feel it...I sit silently for a few minutes, then Mrs Steel comes up to me and holds out a box.
Mrs Steel speaks sternly and firmly
Mrs Steel: Phone.
I don't want to give her my phone so I don't say anything...
Mrs Steel speaks again...In a more stern and angry voice
Mrs Steel: I said Phone.
I speak up...quietly
Leo: No.
Mrs Steel looks shocked...
Mrs Steel: No?...I'll call your father if you don't hand it over
I freeze... Before pulling my phone out of my pocket and putting it in the box. I didn't want to... but I desperately didn't want her to call my dad...
Mrs Steel: Good.
She walked away...And as each kid came in, she took their phone.
I sigh as the so-called "Emo" kid: Ash came and sat in the seat next to me..
Mrs Steel started the lesson..
Mrs Steel: Today, We are gonna have....A pop quiz. So we are gonna go around the room, and I'm gonna ask you a question each, and if you get it wrong, I'm gonna call your parents...Because you should know each of these questions.
I freeze...I try to tell myself she will give me an easy question... but again... I couldn't push the feeling away that I would fail... Like I do at everything according to my dad.
The first few kids got easy came to me...
Mrs Steel: How do you say "Roses" in Spanish... seems like a pretty easy question... If this was a Spanish class... I'm currently in an English class....I freeze...looking around at everyone... I forgot to mention... I have social anxiety...
Leo: I-I....uh....I-...I don't know Mrs....
Mrs Steel looks mad.
Mrs Steel: I'm calling your father after school today.
My heart practically stops...but...Mrs Steel just moves on, and I sit down... sort of shaking. But not enough for anyone to realise...
When the bell rang, I don't think I've ever packed up faster...I just went to my groups cabin.

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