Nebulous Regression

23 0 1

Originally posted on 09-14-24


"Ah damn it..." Shinji muttered to himself as he rushed across campus at the sound of a bell.

When he had arrived earlier than his classes started, he had decided to wait around in a more secluded part of the outdoor campus of the University, still not quite acclimated and comfortable enough with the new school to really be around the crowds of students. Which was somewhat understandable since today was the first actual day of classes.

'Ugh, what'll people think if I'm late to our first class?' He couldn't help but think somewhat insecurely as he dashed to the right campus building. Thankfully he at least knew where to go due to them having an orientation day prior to help students learn where their classes would be.

He only passed a few other people as most everyone else had already had a head start on him since they did not share his aversion to standing in a crowd so close to the main buildings of the campus.

Though his rush to get to class also meant he wasn't paying such good attention to all of his surroundings nor. Such as when he crossed a corner only to then have another person running towards him from his side. By the time he noticed the oncoming person, it was too late for him to do anything to stop them from colliding into each other, his reflexes only having enough time to try and brace himself but alas it failed to prepare him for the impact of another person running into him. Both he and the other person were flung to the ground in a sprawled mess of groans as a result.

'Just great...' The brunette boy thought sarcastically as he sat up, the person who bumped into him doing so as well.

"Ah, apologies... I wasn't paying attention." Came a soft feminine voice from the other person, making him realize that it was a girl that had run into him.

"It's alright, I wasn't paying attention either..." He responded as he looked at her, his blue eyes taking in her unique appearance.

Her skin was much paler than most other peoples which made it contrast more with the school uniform she wore, and her hair was an almost blue color that initially had him believing it to be hair dye, and her eyes that looked towards him appeared to be a very reddish brown to the point that it was hard to discern if they were not just red.

While those were all unique traits that would make most take a glance, there was something more to this person's appearance that had Shinji staring at her almost mesmerized. It was a feeling that was being invoked by her, a feeling of familiarity. While he couldn't remember ever meeting her, there was something in his mind that told him if he should remember them and yet he could not recall anything of substance.

"Is... something wrong?" Her voice came again, breaking him from his trance.

"...Have we met before..." Shinji ended up blurting out.

That caused her to hesitate for a moment as her red eyes moved to meet his blue, staring into them as he stared back. He could see his own person being reflected in her pupils, her eyes adjusting ever so slightly as though looking at him evoked a type of reaction similar to how looking at her did so to him. Then for almost a brief second her eyes appeared to convey seeming disappointment before faded as quickly as it appeared.

"I... do not believe we have..." The girl answered.

For an unknown reason, the boy felt a spike of disappointment that didn't seem to make sense. Sagging his shoulders, he just ignored the oddity of his mood before then standing up and brushing himself off.

"Well, I'm Shinji Ikari..." He introduced as he held out his hand for her to take.

She stared at his palm for a fleeting second before taking it.

"...I am Rei Ayanami..." She mimicked as he pulled her up on her feet.

"It's... nice to meet you, Rei Ayanami." The boy gave her a grin, he was still holding onto her hand, with her also still holding on to his. The feeling of her hand was gentle and soft, which too brought a sense of familiarity

"It is nice to meet you as well, Shinji Ikari..." She replied, her own lips unconsciously smiling back at him.

The image of her smiling at him seemed to captivate his focus once again, it especially invoked a feeling of recognition. For the briefest of seconds his mind had seemed to try and conjure an image. It was an image that was so blurry and faded that he couldn't describe or make sense of anything about it besides a smile, exactly like the one he was witnessing from this girl, being illuminated by moonlight. He had no possible idea where that could have come from, but it filled him with such a warmth that he couldn't be bothered to be confused.

It was then that the second bell rang, signaling that the passing period was over, and that class had begun, bringing both of them back to reality.

"Ah, sorry for keeping so long." Shinji told her as he made sure he didn't drop anything during their collision.

"No, it is fine, I am glad we met... goo-" Rei seemed to catch herself for some reason before turning to look back at him, "... I hope we meet again..."

He then could only watch as she ran off across the campus before he also did so in another direction.

'Damn, late on the first day...' Shinji thought to himself, but the disappointment and anxiety from being tardy was somewhat quelled by his previous interaction, 'but I feel... glad that I met that girl...'

His mind thought back to the smile he had seen on her, the feeling of holding her hand, as well as the last words she had said to him. It made him unknowingly smile.

'I hope we meet again as well, Rei Ayanami.'


Cross posted on 09-14-24

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