Chapter Seven

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The brown hair that leaks like oils through the gaps in the bars has become familiar now. The scathing red glowing eyes I almost don't feel anymore. Ten days of constant supervision in an empty, damp cell will bring out the tolerance in you.

I can feel something strange from this girl who has been 'assigned' to me. My powers seem to react to her own in a way almost like preternatural curiosity. My consciousness seems to want to reach out to hers, and it can feel the probing lines of her power reaching to me all the same.

She's trying to read my mind, I can tell by the itch it leaves on my brain. I force her out every time. But sometimes I contemplate just letting her in, letting her explore my brain and find that I'm not much to behold after all.

"Can you stop...thinking" a thick Russian accent spews from the girls sitting with her back to the grate and the sound of her voices shocks me out of my stumped stuper in the corner of my new cell. She hasn't talked for the last ten days and as the gravel of her voice reaches me I almost think I've imagined it.

I move on hands and knees slightly closer to the bars, my back to the wall and my legs stretched out in front of me. "I-" I'm about to say something, maybe snap back or say something that will make her turn around with her piercing red eyes. But a new voice beats me to it.

"Talking to the inmates now?" Another thick Russian accent and a shining foot steps out from the shadows of the stairs across from my cell. The darkness covers the person's identity until he steps closer to this girl, until he crouches next to her with a mocking look on his stubbled face, his silver hair going in every direction.

The girl's glare at the boy is stifling, an angry, frustrated look crossing her face. Her eyes no longer glow in the dark. Her shoulders fall and she looks almost defeated as she sits on the ground.

"Shut up. She's thinking too loud" the girl complains and the boy laughs boyishly. It's almost like I'm not here, the conversation is almost domestic, it's comfortable. He moves quickly and before I can blink he's standing right in front of my cell staring at me. He tilts his head slightly like he's analysing his best catch.

"Is she now?" He looks almost amused. It makes me sick. I move back over on hands and knees to my corner, knees to my chest and my chin to my knees. My hair is ratty and itches against my cheeks as I watch the two interact with each other. I'm trying to figure them out.

"Yeah. Why are you here?" She asks the boy boredly, she's looking down at her nails with an unbothered breeze, completely switching from her earlier scathing tone. A much more casual atmosphere hangs in the air.

"He wants to see her" he says almost ominously. This makes the girl look back at me again with furrowed brows, almost looking straight through me. Her gaze is completely empty and blank, that same bored expression remains on her face as she pushes herself to her feet and turns completely to my cell.

"Seriously?" She asks him with a certain look in her eye that I can't quite decipher. He gives her a quick nod with a childish smirk before taking a step towards my cell with the keys in hand.

"Looks like it's your lucky day" the Russian boy jeers at me and I sneer right back "or not" he adds with a slight laugh before physically pulling me to my feet and out of my cell.

As they pull me with them I try to memorise where I've been and where I'm going. Up the stairs, two rights and a left. I analyse how many guards they have on each sector of their little camp that seems to almost be inside a very large storage container of sorts.

I allow myself to be slack, to follow them. I behave. I keep myself in check because how else will I gather knowledge? The two guards bicker as we walk along the halls, I have gathered that they are related in some way. Only siblings argue in the way they do.

She gives out to him for how he acts around the girls on their missions, he asks her how else he's supposed to meet the love of his life and she in turn just rolls her eyes making him laugh lightly. I follow slightly behind with a cringe. My hands are bound and a chain swings between us.

We soon reach what looks to be an office of some sorts from whatever this building used to be. In the centre of the room leaning against a chair is exactly who I didn't want to see and who makes me gasp as I look up at his height and the metal that makes him up.

It's the cyborg I faught against. The one who fucking ruined my chance at an escape. My only chance.

Without really thinking, I start to lunge at him and he takes a step back but the chains pull me back as the girl pulls on the other end aggressively with a reprimanding angry look in her eyes. I sneer back at her but she only shakes her head and rolls her eyes with a tight grip on my chains.

"Oh, dear child. How angry you are, small human" the cyborg says in a very appropriately robotic tone. I look up with a searing look at what I think are his eyes and I curse him. Another tug on the chain has me stumbling back with a disdainful look on my face.

The cyborg extends one electric finger and grazes it against the skin of my cheek and my eyes flare. "You've got fire" the robot says and then takes a break almost for a breath if he had the ability to breathe.

"Now, tell me. Who hurt you?" The robot asks and the question catches me off guard. Who hurt me? What does he mean, who hurt me? Him. He hurt me.

"You" I try to lash forward again but once again the chains are tugged reprimandingly.

"Uh uh uh. No. Who. Hurt. You" the large metal statue speaks again in riddle and I almost lunge again but the tension of the chains keeps me back. I don't answer him this time, just stare up at him confused.

"What does the name 'Tony Stark' mean to you, child?" He speaks quietly and something inside me sparks at the mention of that man's name, my childhood comes flooding back and my failures come to the surface once again.

"Aha! I knew it!" The metal man lets out mechanical laugh. He turns to his minions and ushers them to step up next to me.

"Wanda." The cyborg says and turns to the girl standing next to me now. She looks up at the man with pride but also a spark of fear and resentment.

"What does Tony Stark mean to you, child" he attempts to touch her cheek but she flinches away with glowing red eyes and a maniacal look on her pale face.

"Tony Stark killed my family" she says in her thick accent and suddenly she's breathing heavily, like her composure is slipping at the mention of the man. She stares up at the robot with distain and disgust and spits out her words.

"Now you, child, what does Tony Stark mean to you" he turns to me expectantly and I stick my chin up with anger and disgust as I spit his name out.

"Tony stark is dead to me" I say and the glow of the robots eyes becomes slightly brighter.

"Join me, child, join me and I will let you sink your dagger into Tony starks heart" the robot is convincing. He makes something stir inside me, a need for revenge in whatever form it's offered. So I look up at him with a strong gaze.

"What is your name" I ask him. He seems to mull for a second before a deep mechanical sound starts and he speaks.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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