Part V

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By the next month, she stood there, opposing 30,000 men and general Juan Garcia of Spani. “You will be punished!” He shouted out before sending them charging forward. The remaining 7,000 demons stood and soon began to charge and fly, shooting fireballs and explosive balls at the large charge heading their way. Blood spilled into the air and onto the ground, bodies burnt, and many got injured.
   “No humannn” Aoskelith said as she charged on foot, slicing through soldier after soldier, slicing and ripping them horizontally and diagonally. She even stacked them on her sword one after another. Blood got on her white skin and on her dark blue demon matter. The demon around her barely struggled, but few died. They all continued to fight and push forward on each other.
   “Finally, I reach you.” Aoskelith said, dashing forward, going to stab him in his heart, but he moved to the right, making her miss, then sweeping her off her feet and going to slam her onto the ground, but she grew out her wings which sliced a large scar into his arm. “Do not dare touch me!” She shouted as she dashed forward once more, slicing one of his arms off, blood spilling out.
   He slammed her to the ground soon after into the fight, she nearly got knocked out from it. Her eyes were blurry and her sight was fading but it was soon regained, but he already stabbed his sword into one of her hearts. She coughed up a load of blood, but it didn't affect her much, she stared at him. It was a deadly gaze. He backed away realizing she was barely affected by her heart getting stabbed. “How are you not dead, lady?” He said with an infuriated voice, but a scared look in his eyes, his facial expression showing fear.
   “I have more hearts than that. Twelve left actually. I have also killed the goddess of ice and fire, the goddess of water, defeated the Angel of Bloodshed, and killed the god of earth. You simply are nothing compared to a lot of them.” She said as Kaxgoxu clee in from the left and sliced off the rest of his arm, leaving him with 1 whole arm left. As he flew back around, he stopped, his face being held by the guy's remaining hand. His head was getting crushed but fortunately didn't as Aoskelith stabbed him in his stomach. Blood slowly poured and trickled down from where her demon blade punctured his stomach.
   The man stepped back, trying to escape, but collapsed. While on the ground, he couldn't really speak as blood filled his mouth, he tried to crawl away, though, his legs were cut off by Aoskelith, who didn't want him to escape, rather die right then and there on the battlefield. Surrounding the finishing of their fight, demons killed about ~18,000 of the soldiers, the remaining retreating after noticing their general had been defeated and even nearly dead.  “You will not get your general, he will die.” She shouted out to the retreating soldiers who were either perfectly fine or severely wounded.
   Kaxgoxu held his face while sitting on the ground. “I nearly died in a horrible way.” He said to himself, while the demons around them in the battlefield began cleaning out the dead bodies and treating their wounds. Many were also talking to one another and also checking to see if the soldiers were coming back. “Are you alright Kaxgoxu?” She asked with a look of worry on her face that grew near the end of the intense battle. She had her hand on his shoulder, shaking him a bit.
   “Please be alright.” She whispered to not let others hear her, only Kaxgoxu. “I am fine,” he said with a smile on his face while looking up at her, removing her hand off his shoulder. He stood up, and shook her hand, and went to get his wounds treated. His arms were cut up and he had to go reattach a piece of his waist.

“Ma’am Aoskelith, we have a note for you,” a demon spoke to her from behind but also looked around with fear on his face, “Before I say the rest what happened here? And are you alright, ma’am Aoskelith?” He asked twice, and he handed her the note as well. “Everything is fine, we had a large-scale battle. Don't worry though, we won, we were quite outnumbered but our luck and strength pulled us through it.” She responded and grabbed the note from his hand, the light reflecting off her white body into the eyes of the demon messenger.
   She then read the note, it was from Ruskovo, an empire in the Siib where it was mostly snow all year around and where it was rarely warm. The weather was sometimes so harsh you could freeze without even fully being in the Siib snow. The emperor of the empire was known as “Kolya the Slayer”.
  “Head to him, don't die, and say, he may come to visit us to meet.” She said whilst smiling the best she could, totally not annoyed with the meeting. “Don't you hate meetings..?” Another demon said to her left, but she refused to answer.
   Weeks passed and on the third week of building up and also waiting, he arrived, his view being a large open street with housing and various apartment housing, along with stores and even a capital. The gates to the city were open just for him as they anticipated his arrival weeks before. “Hello,” demon guards greeted him with a slight bow as his caravan of carriages came to a halt once outside the marvelous capital building.
   They soon walked inside, finding a table, many guards stayed outside meanwhile, 4 went in with him. Aoskelith sat at the table already, along with Kaxgoxu and 3 others with her. “Take a seat wherever you would like to sit.” She said with a warm smile and her eyes sparkling sort of from the sunlight that shined into the room and almost right onto her. He took a seat across from her and stared patiently. “Well anyways, welcome.” She said, “This city will soon become independent with quite a bit of land, we really just need recognition from other nations that won't attack us from existing.” She sighed and continued to smile.
   “Ah, I see, well, that is exactly why I came here. I have come before you to propose formal relations, those being, I recognize you, and we have a Mutual Defensive Pact with one another.” His face was young, in general, he was young, around 23 with long black hair and brown eyes that looked like the brown was beautifully melting in his eyes. “That sounds nice,” Kaxgoxu said quietly to Aoskelith, who nodded in agreement, “I will gladly accept this proposal. I shall help protect you as you do the same for me.” She then also proceeded to show him the map of the chunk of land they will be getting with her recognition. It was a large amount, covering more of the north-east of the peninsula.
   “That looks nice, we will be glad to work with you.” Kolya said and stood up, waving slightly goodbye to Aoskelith, heading out the doorway. “That was not that bad at all, it was only around 20 minutes of talking.” Kaxgoxu said with a sigh of relief, glad the talking didn't go stale and downhill.
   The sun shone through the window as it set though, bringing in an orange red-yellowish light and filling the room. The sun had set and smoke filled the sky outside the window, upon looking out of it, Aist soldiers had set fire to some housing as they had broken in the fire was put out though, the gate was open, and a few thousand soldiers fought 2,000 demons.
   They sliced each other, but, while that happened, 1,000 Aist soldiers were sneaking up behind them. “Behind!” A demon shouted and Aoskelith soon flew out the window and went in and charged, flying right past the heads of 100 soldiers, slicing their heads off. Blood flew everywhere and rained down as well. “Encircle them” Kaxgoxu shouted out as 3,000 demons encircled the area just about and pushed it, fighting the humans who were completely surrounded while also fighting in the center of the circle.
   Swords swung, the sun set further, darkness filled the air, and torches and lanterns lit up the streets and houses, meanwhile 3 houses were sort of on fire. Water sprinkled from the sky and puddles began to form on the ground. Blood spilled and splattered onto the ground and pavement and puddles of blood formed. “Put down your weapons!” A demon screamed but was sliced in half from the sounds of it, his body sliding off and onto the ground where it made a thud.
   Aoskelith swung, swiped, slashed, and dashed around the battlefield and killed human after human, they were no match. Many tried to escape the encirclement and many also surrendered, where they were slaughtered and killed. When the battle was about over and only 30 humans remained, they surrendered. “You thirty, why?” Aoskelith asked with an angered tone. None answered, but then, one spoke up, “it was simple orders to infiltrate, burn, and then kill.” He shook and his voice stuttered, his legs were shaking while standing and facing her. He was short, his hair was dark brown, his eyes were a faint blue.
   The sun had fully set, the only light was lanterns and torches, the fire had gone out. Rain was pouring down, thudding and hitting against the rooftops and against puddles on the ground, the noise was annoying yet peaceful. “Well, my people are cleaning up this mess you all have caused, I will give you all a chance, stay here and work for us, or die.” She announced to the 30 people with a stern voice and look, her hands clenched into fists.
   “Ma’am,” Kaxgoxu looked at her, patiently waiting for her to acknowledge him saying something. “Yes?” She asked, looking his way, turning slightly her hand resting on by her side as her fist sprawled out once more, no longer being in the form of a fist. “We gathered Intel from spying,” he got closer and whispered, being right next to her ear basically. “A battle is going to happen somewhere between the center of this continent, a war has broken out. The sides being Aist, Spani, Prus, Francovo, Belgi, Indono, Fins, Kurskana, Norwe, and Dane vs Mamiks. It seems to be a coalition force to remove the invaders for Aisaia content.” He finished and stepped back. “Miss?” A soldier spoke, “We choose to live,” he said and the others agreed, soldiers then took them to a house where they could all stay. “Alright, well, we could join in on the Eur side and we will,” she spoke and got ready.

A month passed, Aoskelith stood with 7,000 soldiers in a hilly like land, nearby was 10,000 soldiers from Aist, 27,000 soldiers from Spani, 19,000 soldiers from Prus, 28,000 from Francovo, 4,000 from Belgi, 9,000 from Indono, 23,000 from Fins, 10,000 from Kurskana, 8,000 from Norwe, and 4,000 from Dane, meanwhile, across from them, marched two large armies, in total having about 160,000 soldiers who marched and marched, until standing nearly before the coalition. Everyone got ready, though no one charged forth yet. In a surprise move, 20,000 total soldiers came pouring in charging from behind, it was soldiers from Iclanikk, Meado, Swea, and Sigurdheim who charged forth, heading right for the Mamiks, which resulted in the entire coalition force jolting forward as well. The Mamiks and coalition forces met and began slashing, slicing, around Aoskelith was death and injury, non-stop charging, all she could do was kill the enemies as well. Hours passed and fighting still commenced and they swung and slashed and sliced, and stabbed. Both sides’ forces began to go down by a lot on the battlefield, many of Sigurdheim began to retreat as they had only 400 left, same for Iclanikk.
   When the Mamiks retreated, a whole new wave charged forward, it was the back end where a lot of their soldiers were. When the pushed forward they made an indent in their forces, where many from Meado charged in and then got enclosed and then slaughtered. “Keep attacking! Do not cower before these lowely people!” a general shouted out and continued to have a ton of soldiers push forward. Everyone in the coalition was working together, fighting off a major force. Though, in the end, many lives were lost, even as they pushed the Mamiks back, it would only be temporary most likely.
   As the battle ended, bodies laid on the ground, many horses were dead, the smell of blood was in the air, the smell of metal was also in the area. It stained the noses and the air with an awful smell. Mostly everyone left, and Aoskelith, turned back into a woman. “Aoskelith, I didn't know you could change genders and why do you look more human?” A demon asked, who also looked more human. “I guess this world will make us more human over time. And I guess I can willingly change gender?” Aoskelith said as her remaining soldiers marched back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15 ⏰

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