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Your name: Y/N

Last name: Morningstar

Age: Earth years 24/Hell years above average 200 years ago

Rank: Royalty Demon

Species: Hellborn and half Seraphim thanks for Lucifer

You basically just look like a male Charlie version have the same personality as her but a little bit more dark and serious

You basically just look like a male Charlie version have the same personality as her but a little bit more dark and serious

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This is how you look basically feel free to change him at your imagination


Immortality - As demonic royalty, and as mentioned by Adam in "The Show Must Go On",
Y/N is biologically immortal, presumably being able to live for a long period of time and only able to be killed by angelic weaponry.

Demon transformation - Y/N can enter a fearsome, more powerful Demon form.

Demonic magic - Being the son of Lucifer, Y/N can access powerful magic that is exclusive to the higher-ranking demons.

Angelic power - Y/N possesses immensely powerful angelic magic which holds sway over the demonic power of his contemporaries

Flight - Y/N can summon six angelic wings on a whim, with the size of his wings varying throughout the chapters.

Teleportation - Y/N can instantly teleport himself from one location to another. He does this by enveloping himself in a swirling fog of deep red smoke with sparkling, golden glitter

Conjuration - Y/N seems to be able to create virtually anything he desires with a simple flick of the wrist. This includes, but is not limited, to clothing, puppets, instruments, and very powerful weapons.

Pyrokinesis - Like his Sister, Charlie, he also has the power to manipulate fire at will. When fighting he is seen creating balls of fire out of thin air at will.

Fire breath - He can make fire come out of his mouth when he speaks.

Demonic arm - In "The Show Must Go On", Y/N's and Charlie's arm became large and demonic, and with it they blocked Adam's punch with ease.


Multilingualism - Y/N speaks fluent English and Spanish and is said to also be able to fluently speak the Demonic languages he grew up learning.

Hand-to-hand combat - Y/N is a very good at hand-to-hand combat he was trained very good to make it work

Guns and Knives combat - Y/N trained to learn to use guns and knives

Musical talent - Y/N is considered a very talented singer, even outside of the show's non-diegetic musical numbers. He can also play the piano.

Dancing - He was in very long dancing lessons and well he knows every type of dance

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