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A young girl stood behind one of the pillers on the balcony overlooking the wedding hall, her eyes trained on the spot where the bride would soon appear. Her movements mingled with the shadows, making it hard to notice her presence. That took a great level of skill—slinking around uninvited in a room full of mobsters wasn't something many could accomplish.

The girl was a skilled agent, but even she wasn't sure what she could be considered as—a hitman, a mercenary, or an assassin? All she knew was how to follow orders, and right now, her orders were to find out as much as possible about the new daughter-in-law of the Don of the Italian-American Mafia, Don Vincenzo Castellano.

The Italian-American Mafia was a huge threat by itself, and rumors regarding their new addition had already began to swirl. She's a living, breathing weapon, they were saying, one of the lethalest assassins the underground has ever known.

The Don was already making rounds with his son, the groom, Adriano Castellano, greeting the important figures who were attending the wedding and making small talk while his other sons lurked around, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. 

The girl remained patiently put as the clock ticked and the time for the bride's arrival hit. A tall woman, she was, wearing a black mermaid wedding dress with a trail of lace, her steps exuding calculated elegance. 

She looked familiar to the girl. Too familiar.

She was the Nightshade.



"I've confirmed it. Valencia Laurent has married into the Italian-American Mafia. While she previously acted on her own, she has now allied herself with the Castellano family," the girl reported, her hands clasped behind her back.

Her superior, who she was reporting to, leaned back on his chair, his eyes narrowing in distaste. "Set the rest of the report on my desk and leave," he commanded, at which the girl complied, the door softly thudding behind her as she walked away after leaving the rest of her findings on her superiors mahogany desk.

Valencia Laurent, or Nightshade, as most knew her, was someone the girl had met on numerous occasions. She was a woman determined to take down the organisation that held the girl's strings, and the girl respected her for it.

She didn't know what had her so intent on destroying the man who ran the organisation, but she had concluded it to vague personal issues. However, to the girl, Nightshade's motives didn't matter. What mattered was that she had made her next steps much easier.

After all, she would be a huge help in her liberation.



I don't know why I'm writing this out of the blue, but this one of those 'long lost mafia princess' stories that I used to be deeply obsessed with, I think. Enjoy whatever I manage to cook up, because this is not the first time I've written this kind of stuff and you people seem to enjoy these stories far too much, even if the writing is terrible.

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