Chapter one: Here I Wait

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Violet POV

It had been two months since our stay in Rivendell, my hearts aching came and went as he deemed necessary...which happened to be at night. I walked quietly beside between Bilbo and Gandalf, who happened to be happily chattering about fireworks. Before to long my eyes settled on the one place my childhood nightmare lived. "Ah, the borders of the Shire. It is here I must leave you." Gandalf said. I frowned. Bilbo sighed, "That's a shame. I quite liked having a wizard around. Seems they bring good luck" Bilbo said making me chuckle. "You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck?" He asked. " can't say there was no luck involved, can you?" I asked looking up at him. I then noticed him giving a knowing look towards Bilbo. "No my dear Violet, I am not saying that at all. However magic rings should not be used lightly, Bilbo." He said never taking his eyes off Bilbo. I watched as Bilbo began to speak in obvious protest before he was cut off. "Don't take me for a fool, I know you found one in the Goblin tunnels, even Violet knew...and I've kept my eye on you ever since." He said. Bilbos eyes shot to me. "You knew?" He asked. I shrugged, "you know I might focus was honestly on Thorin and his...issues." I said scratching my arm. Bilbo sighed, "Well...thank goodness...farewell Gandalf." Bilbo said shaking his hand. "Farewell." He said nodding to Bilbo. Gandalf then looked to me, only to find me welling up with tears in my eyes. I rushed forward and hugged the old wizard. "We'll see you again right?" I asked. Gandalf laughed and patted my back. "Of course you will Violet, never to worry." He said. I let go and whipped my eyes, giving him a weak smile. "Alright...goodbye Gandalf." I said. "Goodbye Violet, my best wishes for you and Thorin." He said. I nodded thankfully and began to back away waving. We watching as he turned away and made his way back the way we came, it was unknown to us where he intended to go. "Oh! Gandalf!" Bilbo called out, stopping him. "You, needn't worry about that ring. It fell out of my pocket during the battle. I lost it." Bilbo said. Gandalf smiled. "You're a very fine person, Mister Baggins. And I'm very fond of you, as well as you Violet. But you two are quite a little fellows in a wide world after all." He said before turning away and continuing his journey. We turned back towards the shire and began to make our way. "Do you know what he meant by that?" I asked looking at Bilbo. He smiled, "I don't know what half he says mean if I'm going to be quite honest." He said. I smiled and nodded. "I feel like the only ones who truly understand what he's saying are the elves." I said. Bilbo let out a loud laugh, "That's probably true." He said as we entered our home land. As we carried ourselves all the way to the hill just outside of Hobbiton...we noticed quite a bit of activity. "What's going on?" I asked as we looked on. "No idea." He said as he continued in, making me quickly follow behind him. As we got closer and closer to both of our homes we saw people walking past us carrying furniture which seemed to catch Bilbos eye...I must say it did look familiar. "Wait a minute...that's my mother's glory box. And that' dining chair." He said in awe. "W-what? Is someone stealing from your house?!" I asked confused. I ducked as a hobbit carried a pouf past me, almost hitting me. I stood up and Bilbo yelled out. "HEY! Put that down!!! That's mine!!!What's going on?!?!" I asked now angry from my complete unknowingness of what was happening. I looked around Bilbo to see a cheery hobbit coming down the road with a green wheelbarrow full of various items. "Hello Mr. Bilbo!" He said before stopping. "Wait..." He said looking to him then to me. "You two aren't supposed to be here!" He said. "What? What do you mean?" Bilbo asked. "On account of you two being presumed dead and all." He said. My eyes widened. "Wha- we aren't dead!" I said. Bilbo growled angrily and grabbed my wrist as we ran up towards his house, multiple hobbits passing us on the way all with arms full of Bilbo's things. "Why do they think we're dead?!?" I asked. "I don't know." He said as we set eyes onto his house up the hill. I looked over my shoulder and saw my home still untouched. "W-what is this?!?" Bilbo squeaked. I looked around him and read a sign in front of his house.

"For sale, by auction. The effects and estate of the late Mr. Bilbo Baggins, esq. 10 o'clock sharp, June the 22nd. Messrs Grubb, Grubb and Burrowes. Registered Auctioneers."

"Oh my..." I said. Suddenly before Bilbo could speak a loud voice caught our attention. "Twenty-one! Haha! Sold to Mrs Bolger! Somewhere for Fatty to put his feet on, haha!" A loud hobbit proclaimed. We saw him lift up another item. "Do I have any bids for this? This is Shire-made. None of your dwarvish reproductions here." He said. I raised an eyebrow at his words. 'I saw that in Erebor...liar.' I thought. The item was quickly bought before he continued. "Our next bid..." He said. Suddenly Bilbo ran up and stopped him. "Stop! Stop stop stop!! There's been a mistake!!!" He yelled. "Who are you?" A woman standing by him asked, a woman who I actually recognized...though couldn't put my finger on the name. "What do you mean who am I?! - You know bloody well who I am, Lobelia Sackville-Baggins! This is my home!" He said before he saw the massive stack of spoons in her hands. "And those are my spoons. Thank you very much!" He snapped. "This is most irregular. Excuse me, it's been more than thirteen months since the disappearance. If you are, in fact, Bilbo Baggins and undeceased - can you prove it?" He said. "What?!?!" Bilbo said completely blown away. "Oh, well, something official with your name on it would suffice." The man said. Bilbo sighed. "Alright...right." He said as he pulled out...our contract to join Thorin's company. "A contract...of employment as a...a...nevermind as what." Bilbo said. "There, my signature." He said. "There are two on here." He said. "The other would be mine sir." I said speaking up. He looked at me before his eyes squinted. "Who are you?" He asked. 'Nobody remembers me...the hobbit we met first entering this entire fiasco didn't even regard me. Only referred to me with Bilbo.' I thought. "My name is Violet." I said. "Violet...why does that name sound so familiar?" He asked. I shrugged. "Well, never mind that." He said looking back to the contract. "All of this seems to be in order, yes no doubt." He said. "Who is this person you pledged your Service to?" He asked as we reached the door inside Bilbos house. "Thorin Oakenshield?" He asked. I looked down and sniffed holding back my emotions. "He is a dear love of mine." I said. Bilbo gently ushered me inside as we both stood looking at the empty home. "Well...this certainly isn't how I imagined coming home would be." Bilbo said. I nodded and looked to the floor to see the handkerchief he had forgotten. I picked it up carefully off the ground and walked towards him, tapping his shoulder as he straightened up a picture of his parents on the wall. "I believe you forgot this some while ago." I said with a playful smile. He grinned and took it from me. I turned away and went to go set a pot back on the windowsill when I caught another glimpse of my house. I sighed and reached into my bag...pulling one single key I managed to keep track of throughout our entire journey, there and back again. It was my only key into that house. "Bilbo, I'll be right back." I said before I set my things down and I made my way towards the hobbit hole. I stood in front of its blue door and took a deep breath. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it up wide. I looked inside the house before carefully stepping inside. I looked to my left down the hall and frowned, remembering how many times I had run down that hall screaming and crying for safely towards my room. I walked down or calmly, managing to hold myself together just fine. I opened the door to my bedroom and grinned. Though I had despised my life here...I loved my room. It was the only place in this house I felt safe. I looked towards my bed and saw my stuffed bear who had become my greatest companion over my years as a child. I held it close and walked back into the main room. I never imagined after all I had gone through over the last year...that I would be walking on this floor again, through these rooms. "Violet." I flinched and turned around to see a kind smile from Bilbo, standing in the doorway. "Come on, I need your help. I'm not going to put our house back together on my own." He said holding his hand out. I looked at Bilbo with great love, he had managed to take the part of my most dearest friend. I looked back. "You know...there are some things in this home I do like. Do you think we can take those then sell the rest?" I asked. He nodded, "if that is what you want to do." He said. I nodded "It is." I said. "Well then, we have a lot of work to do. Let's go." I quickly locked the door to my home and took the hobbits hand. "Well what are you waiting for?" I asked. "Come on!!!!" I said laughing and pulling him along as I run back to his house.

Though the sadness of being so far away from Thorin still weighed heavily on my mind and heart, I felt at peace knowing for the first time in The Shire, I would be living a safe and pleasant life. I couldn't wait until the day came where I could live this with Thorin.

Until I wait...happy and at peace...and anxious for the day that I would hear that deep voice echoing through the halls of Mr. Baggin's house once again.

Two Halves of a Heart (Thorin Oakenshield love story: sequel to The Quiet One)Where stories live. Discover now