Parental Trauma

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~~Last time:
"Actually I wanted to ask what's your ..."Paul was interrupted by a car stopping just beside them .~~

"Mumma?"Luna muttered under her breath.

The window of the car lowered ,"Why are you still here and not at home ?!Come get in !" Her mother yelled

Luna couldn't help but feel mad at her for yelling in front of Paul . Obviously she didn't actually care what he thought of her but it was just embarassing .

She said to Paul in a low voice trying not to meet his voice ,"I-I'll get going"

He just nodded in reply even though she was not actually looking at him .

'What ...what was her name ?"Paul asked himself as he felt so stupid .'Have I become like Conan?'

In the car..

"Didn't I tell you to get home before 4:00 ?And why were you hanging out with that boy ?He must be older than you ,isn't he ?These type of friends get you nowhere Luna !"Her mother kept scolding.

'Its funny how she doesn't even need answers .Just jump into conclusions .Does she think people of my age are all short like me ?Well ,jokes on my genes .'
Luna kept trying to avoid negative  thoughts .

"Luna ?!Are you even listening ?" Her mom yelled again.

She sighed ,"Did you really have to yell at me in front of him ?And no .He is not older than me and also ,he is not my friend ."

Her mother got angry again ,"So now think that I embarassed you ? You made a mistake and that is why you got scolded. I told you to be home till 4:00 p.m. but it is already 4:30 .It is not like scolding you is my hobby !"

Luna felt suffocated and miserable about how her own mother never tried to understand her .

"Mom ...I did mean it like that !"
"I don't want any explanation Luna" her mother said reluctantly .

In the evening ...

Luna wore her basketball jersey ,ready for her sports classes .

Luna wore her basketball jersey ,ready for her sports classes

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(She wore something like this)

Her mother saw her and said ,"Luna wait .You are not going to play basketball from now on .I've signed you up for extra classes at Catalyst Education.Now go and give the entrance exam ."

Luna could not just give up on her favourite hobby .She started playing basketball about an year ago and got obsessed .

"You can't do that ! I scored good in all subjects in the last exam .Why can't I just study at home while continuing sports ? I'm already attending tuitions on weekends "Luna argued

But as always ,she didn't want to hear anything,"Luna you're not a kid . It is not possible to balance both and you need some guidance while studying .Don't argue anymore !"

She understood that she won't be able to go to play but neither was she ready to go to Catalyst Education .

She packed her bag to pretend that she was ready to go for coaching .

She packed her bag to pretend that she was ready to go for coaching

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(Her outfit)

Luna took her bicycle and when straight to the library .It started to rain .

When Luna reached the library ,she found out it was closed .She got off her bicycle and stood their looking at the rain .

Just then she noticed that her purse  had fallen in the middle of the road . She goes to pick it up fast only to hear someone shout, "There's a car !!"

Luna turned to see a car coming straight towards her at high speed .

She tried to run but her whole body froze with fear .Her eyes were fixed on the car and her legs trembled .
'I'm dead today' she thought.

❤️The author's note:Hey guys .I don't know who I am even saying hi to cause I don't have any readers right now but yeah ...if you did like it ,do like it and comment .it would mean a lot to me ❤️

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