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The Centaurus Mall was flooded with colors and lights. The third-floor boutique's entire display was illuminated. Velvet sofas were placed in the center, surrounded by clothing racks. Shehreen stood in front of a large mirror, critically examining the golden gown she wore. It had one sleeve missing and the other reached her wrist. She checked her reflection from both sides, tilting her head. She pushed her golden-brown hair back with two fingers and made a dissatisfied face.

"This isn't as good as I told you," she said sternly. The salesgirl standing nearby hastily tried to explain, but Shehreen ignored her, admiring herself from every angle. Behind her, Sonia sat on the sofa, bored and repeatedly rubbing her feet on the carpet. The salesgirl stood ready to assist.The store's entrance was also visible in the mirror, and she was about to say something to the manager in a bad mood. Upon seeing the door, she became completely silent. Then she swallowed her saliva., and Shehreen's gaze froze upon seeing Saadi standing there, hands in his jeans pockets, smiling at her.

"Samina, take Sonia to the food court; I'll join you in a bit," Shehreen instructed.

Then, addressing the manager, she said, "I need to speak with you for a moment."  .She left with a nod, but samina hesitated, holding the child's hand. "Mam, where on the upper floor?" Samina asked. Shehreen glared at her with sharp eyes, and Samina quickly grabbed Sonia's hand and exited.

Shehreen returned to admiring herself in the mirror, adjusting the gown's neckline.

Shehreen again gazed into the mirror, adjusting the gown's neckline with her fingers. Saadi approached her, step by step, standing behind her shoulder.

"You're wearing gold; good I'm wearing black," What are you doing here?" "She spoke swiftly, without turning, while looking at him in the mirror, without turning, while looking at him in the mirror."

Saadi feigned surprise, shrugging. "This is a mall, and people come here to shop."

"Were you following me from home or tracing my phone?"

"Can't you believe we just ran into each other?"

"Not for a moment," Shehreen replied, Saadi nodding in agreement.

"Ok i trace you from phone?" Shehreen turned towards him and looked at him seriously. "We shouldn't be seen together like this."

"Is that why you sent them away?" She will tell Hashim" she was being overly cautious. "Don't you trust your employee?"

"She's not , my daughter, and she tells her father everything," Shehreen replied bitterly, removing her black onyx earrings.

"Are you that afraid of Hashim?" Saadi asked.

Shehreen looked at him with suppressed anger. "I'm not afraid of him, but he can take Sonia away from me if I go against him. And your coming here means you want me to stand up to him, which I won't."

"When you asked for my help, did I refuse?" Saadi asked, his tone serious.

Shehreen fell silent for a moment. "That's another problem." Her voice softened.

Saadi looked at her, awaiting a response. Shehreen met his gaze, then shook her head. "What do you want?"

Saadi smiled slightly and pulled out a tablet from his inner pocket, placing it in Shehreen's purse. The movement was so swift that Shehreen remained stationary.

"Return it to me tomorrow. That's all. You can take by your own in the party " she was confused. Security protocol are strick . , no mobiles allowed, but your family nah."

"What are you planning?" Shehreen asked, puzzled.

"You'll help me with another task... I'll tell you later," and what is that task " Saadi replied. "I need Hashim's laptop password, no matter what." You ufff.."
Her patience was wearing thin.
"Don't attend the party, Saadi! You'll put us both in trouble," she warned.

"I have been preparing for this party for a week, ever since Hashim sent a special card for me. And I am relying on you. Don't you want to avenge Hashim for all the troubles and torments he has caused you? Then you will have to stand with me, whether you like it or not. You will get me Hashim's password."

He said with seriousness and strength, word by word.

Shehreen's expressions became mild. She looked at Saadi with eyes full of confusion, hope, and apprehensions.

"What are you going to do?" She asked with sadness.

Saadi smiled sadly, a wounded smile.

"I am going to take back what they snatched from us."


Sorry for late update don't forget to vote!

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