Chapter 11

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As I sat on the edge of my bed, staring blankly at the lavish room around me, my mind was anything but still. The events of the day played over and over like a reel of chaos and emotions. The guy at the table, the quiet one, Enzo. Apparently, my brother. Another brother. There were so many pieces of this new life, my old life, falling into place all at once that I could barely make sense of it.

I got up from the bed, the plush carpet soft under my feet as I walked across the grand room. Everything about this mansion was so surreal. The intricate details on the walls, the elegance of the furniture, the huge chandelier that hung above — it all screamed wealth and status. But what weighed on me wasn't the luxury. It was the overwhelming sense of loss and confusion.

I reached out and lightly touched the vanity mirror, gazing at my reflection. The girl looking back was someone I was still trying to recognize. Isabella Salvatore, but also Leah Walker, the girl who fought her way out of years of torment. How could I be both? How was any of this real?

I sighed deeply and picked up my phone. Emma. I hadn't had the time to talk to her, and I desperately needed to hear her voice. I dialed her number, sitting down on the bed, my fingers trembling slightly. After a few rings, her familiar voice answered on the other end.

"Leah? Finally! I was starting to think you forgot about me!" she teased, her light laughter filling the speaker.

"Emma..." I breathed out, trying to keep my voice steady. "You have no idea what happened."

There was a pause. "What do you mean? Are you okay?"

And just like that, the floodgates opened. I told her everything. How I had landed in Italy, how I was apparently part of this huge family I didn't even know existed. About my mother, Lucia, and my brothers—Luca, Enzo—and my sister- Aria. How they called me Isabella by accident, like it was supposed to fit. How it all seemed like a dream, or more accurately, a nightmare I couldn't wake up from.

Emma listened patiently as she always did, only offering words of comfort when I needed them. "Leah, this is insane... I don't even know what to say."

"Me neither," I admitted, running a hand through my hair. "It's just... how do I even start to process all of this?"

"You don't have to figure it all out right now. Take it one step at a time. And remember, you're still Leah. No matter what name they call you by, you are who you are because of everything you've survived."

Her words were exactly what I needed. They grounded me, reminded me of the strength I had built up over the years. "Thanks, Emma. I really needed that."

After saying our goodbyes, I ended the call and set the phone down beside me. Exhaustion was starting to creep in. Too much had happened in one day, and I wasn't sure how much more I could take. Crawling under the thick comforter, I closed my eyes, letting the heaviness pull me into sleep.


I woke up to the soft rays of sunlight filtering through the delicate curtains. Stretching, I sat up in bed and let the events of yesterday settle into my mind. It still felt so surreal, but I didn't have time to dwell. Today was another day, another step into this unfamiliar life.

I got dressed in something simple yet elegant—a soft cream blouse and fitted jeans—before heading downstairs for breakfast. The grand staircase seemed to stretch forever as I made my way down to the dining area. As I entered the room, the smell of fresh coffee and pastries filled the air, and I found my family already seated at the long dining table.

"Good morning, Isabella," my mother greeted warmly, her smile wide and affectionate.

I swallowed hard, my heart still jolting every time she called me by that name. "Morning," I muttered, sliding into a seat.

My brother Luca smiled at me from across the table. He was different from how I remembered him yesterday — more relaxed, maybe because the initial shock had worn off. Enzo was there too, sitting quietly but offering me a small nod of acknowledgment. My sister gave me a warm smile, and then there was Alex, sitting beside Luca, his familiar presence strangely comforting.

As we ate, the conversation started to flow, mostly light talk, but then Luca cleared his throat and turned to me.

"Leah, there's something you should know about. There's an annual ball next week. It's a tradition in our family and in the business world we're part of. Every year, one of the biggest families hosts it, and this year, it's our turn. You'll need to attend."

"A ball?" I repeated, my brows furrowing. "I don't even—"

"Don't worry," Luca assured me. "We'll make sure you're prepared. It's a formal event, and it's important for our family's standing."

"Our standing?" I asked, my eyes narrowing. They had been vague about what they did, claiming they owned businesses, but something about the way Luca spoke sent a shiver down my spine.

Luca exchanged a glance with Enzo and then back at me. "We'll talk more about it when the time comes, but for now, just focus on settling in."

I nodded slowly, not wanting to press any further. There was still so much I didn't know, and a part of me wasn't sure I was ready to learn it all. The weight of their expectations was starting to press down on me, but at the same time, I felt this inexplicable pull. This was my family, whether I fully understood it or not.

Lucia, my mother, reached over and touched my hand gently. "I'm so happy you're here, Isabella."

The warmth in her voice and the tears that welled up in her eyes made my chest tighten. I didn't know how to respond, so I just nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.

Family. It was supposed to mean something, wasn't it? But for me, it had always been complicated, painful. I wasn't sure if I was ready to open myself up to it again, to trust them fully. What if it all crumbled like before? What if they left too?

As we finished breakfast, I tried to shake off the lingering fear that clung to me. But no matter how much I tried, it was still there. Just like the scars on my body, the reminders of everything I had been through.

I wasn't sure if I could let myself fall for this... for them. Because falling meant losing, and I had already lost too much.

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