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(Word count: 14227)

"I can't believe this."

"You've already said that. Atleast sixteen times."

"No but- I really can't believe this."

There's a following scoff, awfully fed up, and Sunoo sags against the rusted metal bars he'd been grasping hold of like a lifeline, knuckles a burning white and palms damp. The overwhelming smell of rich fruits and dust cloys and tickles at his nostrils, and not for the first time, Sunoo wonders how the hell he managed to land himself in this mess.

Ah yes, you fell through a magic mirror into the past and flattened a bad mouthed, irritable thief in the process. How could you forget?

Somewhere up, overhead, the party goes on, if the distant sound of finely tuned instruments and stomping feet littered with the occasional laugh is anything to go by. Sunoo wonders how on earth they were found out if the supposed gathering was so large and noisy, though at this point, he's fast giving up on consulting the rational side of his brain.

"Is this a real dungeon?" Jihyun questions rather unhelpfully from over in the corner, not looking half as worried as Sunoo feels, more so intrigued as he glances around the dimly lit room beyond the iron bars, eyes lighting up as he takes it all in with an awe Sunoo certainly isn't feeling.

"A piss poor attempt at one." Jay sneers, looking mighty bored as he lounges beneath one of the only sources of moonlight, a small, crumbling hole in the wall of a window blocked by iron bars. His satchel sits at his feet, now empty of it's once pricey contents, and he's got one leg hiked up toward his chest so he can rest his arm atop his knee, the other stretched out before him. The epitome of peace.

Sunoo resists to the urge to break something.

"I've never seen one like this before." Jihyun continues, as though Sunoo isn't glaring holes into the side of his head. "It doesn't even smell like shit like I thought it would."

"Can you believe it?" Jay snarks, voice lilting with a poor imitation of Sunoos earlier statement. Sunoo casts a withering glare over his shoulder, and huffs when Jay merely cocks a brow, nothing but mischief lighting his features.

"It probably doesn't smell like shit because it's not an actual dungeon, Jihyun." Sunoo remarks, voice tight. "They've shoved us in a wine cellar."

It's fairly obvious, really. Manors like this were never built with dungeons, atleast not as far as Sunoo knew. One thing that he had heard of though, was wine cellars. It makes sense now as he peers beyond the iron bars to note the shelves stacked with old, dusty bottles and the barrels surely heaving with rich, fruity intoxication. The damn smell is heady enough, almost strong enough to have him drunk off the scent alone.

"A shitty wine cellar while we're at it, too." Jay quips. "Nothing of value here-"

"Is stealing all you can think about?" Sunoo sneers, slightly hysterical.

Jay merely shrugs, so unbothered it's almost enough to calm some of the panic bubbling up Sunoos throat. He sighs, completely done. This is ridiculous.

"What are we going to do now?" Sunoo sighs, brow throbbing a little. "I can't believ-"

"Please spare me those words." Jay cuts. He rolls his eyes when Sunoo shoots him another look, and runs a hand through his raven, slightly skewed after being manhandled, locks. "We won't be here long, anyway."

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