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(Word count: 11587)

Much to his surprise, it's mere hours after Sunoos decision to accept the help of the small group of stragglers that he finds himself on a crooked, winding trail leading east, afternoon sun filtering in through towering trees either side of them, and entangled branches and leaves casting more shadow across the dry, cracked earth beneath their feet than sunlight.

They'd set off as soon as they were able, upon Yang Jungwon's gentle insistence. None of the men had disagreed, instead practically clamouring over one another to help shut up shop and heave what looked like large, worn rucksakes full of their supplies onto their backs. It'd been easy to see then, the respect the group had for their leader, his authority clear yet unforced to the point where even Sunoo himself had sought a way to help out, even if it just meant helping a chatty Heeseung pack away his small mess of cooking supplies and throw pillows.

It hadn't taken Jake long to wrap a large hand around Sunoos wrist and tug him away from the elder, barking a little too loudly that he didn't need to help with things like that, that they more than had it under control and Sunoo was their guest.

It's how Sunoo ends up practically wedged between him and Sunghoon, the two of them nattering on a little too erratically for Sunoo to really make sense of what they're saying as he keeps an eye on the dips in the earth and roots at his feet as well as Jihyun up ahead, who's more than happy where he's trudging alone beside Ni-ki, ever the outgoing one out of the two of them as he practically talks the other mans ear off.

Sunoo isn't all that surprised to see the two getting along, especially when he learns they're the same age. Sunoo had guessed Ni-ki was the youngest, and he can see it now, in the way that he slings his head back and laughs at one of Jihyuns awful jokes, eyes crinkling up adorably.

Leave it to his brother to fit in no matter where he goes.

He can hear Heeseung whistling to himself somewhere behind, a cheerful little tune that has Sunoos shoulders relaxing ever so slightly, and every now and then the man will shout up ahead as to whether or not the berries Jake and Sunghoon were eyeing were safe enough to gorge on.

"He's a little too careful after that time Ni-ki ate half of one and made an awful mess of his favourite throw pillows." Jake had snickered when Sunoo had asked why the elder seemed so panicked every time Sunghoon carelessly snagged a few from a random tree.

"Just half of a berry did all that?" Sunoo frowned, a little lost.

The look Jake had given him then had been one of utter confusion. "No, half a tree of 'em."

Suffice to say Sunoo had decided to heed Heeseung's warning after that, only allowing himself to snack on a few that Jake had offered him with a bright, amused glint in his eyes.

The forest really is awfully pretty, he muses, and he finds himself a little lost in the way it overwhelms his senses, nose twitching at the little wisps of pollen that float about the air and the thick perfume of freshly bloomed bluebells and pinesap.

Where the sunlight does graze, it casts the forest with such firey life that it steals Sunoos breath. It shines almost like a spotlight, lighting up patches of wildflowers and moss covered tree trunks and making way for all kinds of performers, from trails of marching ants hiking fallen, waxy leaves to red backed squirrels racing up trees, eyes seeking out those passing by with a furtive curiosity Sunoo can't help but mirror.

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